Monday, February 13, 2023

Banzai we need some Pinoy 'comfort women'

The Star:

Philippine activists unhappy with plans of Philippines, Japan and US security pact

MANILA, Feb. 13 (Xinhua): An organization fighting for justice for Philippine sexual slavery victims of the Japanese army during World War ll said on Monday that it "staunchly opposes" the planned security pact among the Philippines, Japan and the United States.

The group Lila Pilipina expressed concern about "the possibility of the Philippines being used as cannon fodder" after the Philippine government said it will study a tripartite agreement with the US and Japan as part of strengthening the alliance.

"We oppose plans to drag the Philippines into war," the group added, reiterating its call for the Philippine government "to stand up for justice for Filipino victims of Japanese wartime sex slavery and for Japan to own up to its responsibility."

As history shows, Japan and the U.S. have yet to take responsibility for the atrocities committed against Filipino women during Japanese occupation and when the U.S. was maintaining bases in the Southeast Asian country, the group said.

"It is alarming that Japan has not yet apologized for the brutal crimes against Filipino women, but again dragging the Philippines into the prospect of war,"
it said.

Lila Pilipina urged the Philippine government to take a non-aligned position.


  1. When the president-elect young Marcos stepped into Malacañang Palace, to his absolute shock, he found out that the pinoy economy had a big big hole to fill.

    He quickly boarded the plane & flew to China - to ask for financial helps.

    - immediate release of US$150B of interest free loan payable only in the 11th yr.

    If the Chinese r agreeable to his terms then ANYTHING can talk!

    The Chinese asked him to fly kite.

    Thus, immediately upon returning to pinoy, Marcos tied up with uncle Sam with the similar requests. The Yank asked for counteroffers of more opening of the closed military bases to US forces. & work closely with Jap & SKorea in military island chain strengthening.

    The pinoy president has no choice bcoz backbone isn't been cultivated in a greenhouse!

  2. Lila Pilipina.... where is its funding coming from?

  3. US wants it's SUBIC BAY HARBOUR BACK. Or better yet, tomorrow China come and takeover Philippines than can export zexy Pinoy boy and Girls mah
