Tuesday, July 19, 2022

“Useless Speaker”: Netizens pan Art Harun for rejecting motion on Sulu Sultanate claims

“Useless Speaker”: Netizens pan Art Harun for rejecting motion on Sulu Sultanate claims

AS KOTA Belud MP Isnaraissah Munirah Majilis got ejected from Dewan Rakyat for calling on the Government to explain the Sulu Sultanate’s asset seizure, netizens took to social media to lash out at Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Azhar Azizan Harun’s decision to reject discussion on the matter.

(The Speaker is trying to silence the MP. Both him and his brother, the Attorney-General, are equally useless)

User Icarus added: “Because the Government is scared more truth will come out and this balaci (lapdog) speaker is doing what he’s good at. Government’s running dawg.”

Netizen Anbalagan Ramasamy retorted: “Speaker mangkuk.” (Halfwit speaker)

Earlier today, Isnaraissah interjected during a debate to lash out at Azhar for dismissing her motion to debate the multibillion ringgit award to the descendants of the Sulu sultanate.

As the former deputy minister called other MPs to stand with her, Azhar muted her microphone and called for the next MP to speak.

As Azhar explained that the matter would be sub judice if debated, the House erupted for some time before the Speaker ejected Isnaraissah from the House and banned her for two days.

On July 12, two of Petronas’ subsidiaries in Azerbaijan were reported to have been seized by court bailiffs after an arbitration court in France ruled in March last year that Malaysia has to pay a whopping RM62.59 bil in compensation to descendants of the Sulu Sultanate.

The assets seized were Petronas’ Luxembourg-registered subsidiaries, Petronas Azerbaijan (Shah Deniz) and Petronas South Caucasus, worth more than RM8.87 bil.

We want the truth

On that note, user Dean said it was perplexing on how one person can dictate on what can and cannot be discussed at the Parliament without considering the issue’s urgency.

Netizen Jjo remarked:

(Why not debate this? We want to know the truth as well) – July 18, 2022

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