Thursday, July 14, 2022

Umno infighting will damage Ismail Sabri’s efforts at rebuilding economy, says Johor division’s Hasni


Umno infighting will damage Ismail Sabri’s efforts at rebuilding economy, says Johor division’s Hasni

Hasni said that he does not see Ismail Sabri, who is also the Umno vice-president, as failing to uphold the party’s interests. — Picture by Hari Anggara

KUALA LUMPUR, July 14 — Johor Umno is confident that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob will put the party’s interests first and called on its members to stop infighting.

Its liaison committee chief Datuk Seri Hasni Mohammad told Utusan Malaysia that at present, Ismail Sabri is looking for ways to strengthen the economy, in addition to devising attractive ways for young people to be involved in contributing to the future of the country.

However, Hasni reminded that the prime minister’s efforts would come to nought if Umno members squabbled among themselves.

Utusan Malaysia today reported Hasni as saying that now is the time for the Umno leadership to unite and strengthen the cooperation among party members.

“I don’t see any good for us (party members) to challenge each other. We should find solutions to the problems facing the people instead of locking horns with each other.

“As long as the bickering does not end, we are still faced with the same problem. Time is wasted, and we cannot offer solutions to the people,” he told the Malay daily in an exclusive interview published today.

The former Johor mentri besar was responding to the current situation involving certain Umno leaders who have openly clashed with each other.

Hasni reminded party members that the government was in the midst of preparing for the coming Budget 2023.

“It is better that we focus on assisting the prime minister in formulating the best budget for the people through our views and proposals, this is better,” he said.

Hasni, who is also the Benut assemblyman, defended Ismail Sabri after some parties tried to question his sincerity in the resolution to speed up the 15th general election (GE15) during the Umno extraordinary general assembly 2022 on May 15.

The report also quoted Hasni as saying that Umno has many experienced leaders and has taken the necessary steps by realising the challenges ahead.

“This means that the party has no choice but to take the approach of strengthening both Umno and the government,” he said.

Hasni said that he does not see Ismail Sabri, who is also the Umno vice-president, as failing to uphold the party’s interests.

He added that the prime minister has so far been committed and given his support to Umno.

1 comment:

  1. Ismail Sabri actually has a plan to rebuild the economy ?

    That is a BIIIG surprise to me.
