Tuesday, July 12, 2022

PAS directionless on GE15, says Umno man

PAS directionless on GE15, says Umno man

Johor Umno deputy chief Nur Jazlan Mohamed (left) says it seems Abdul Hadi Awang and PAS are now favouring an earlier GE15.

PETALING JAYA: Johor Umno deputy chief Nur Jazlan Mohamed has slammed PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang for flip-flopping on his position as to when the next general election (GE15) should be held.

Nur Jazlan noted that previously, PAS had rejected the notion of an earlier GE15 on the basis that it was “not the right time”.

However, he said, Hadi seemed to have changed his position after Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin voiced Perikatan Nasional’s demand for the deputy prime minister’s post following an alleged agreement between Bersatu and Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

“First, Hadi denied the existence of an agreement between Bersatu and the prime minister for the post,” he said on Facebook.

“However, when Bersatu provided proof, he said it was not necessary to fill the post as GE15 could be held any time now.”

Muhyiddin had earlier claimed that PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan had drafted the agreement on the matter.

Nur Jazlan said it sounded like Hadi and PAS were now in favour of an earlier GE15.

“I get it now. Hadi and PAS don’t have a firm stance. They just head for any direction, based on whether they stand to gain or lose something,” he said.

Previously, Hadi said PAS had agreed in principle that GE15 should be held at the end of the current Parliament’s term, but he said it could be held sooner if there was a need for a stronger government.

Muhyiddin first brought up the alleged agreement on July 2 when he met Ismail to discuss Cabinet appointments, including the position of the deputy prime minister, as per the agreement.

Bersatu information chief Wan Saiful Wan Jan defended his party’s demand for the post after claiming that it was part of the agreement for PN to support Ismail as prime minister before his appointment last August.

While the current administration does not have a deputy prime minister, the Cabinet has four “senior ministers”.


kt comments:

Shows you the sort of person Muhyiddin is, still demanding for a DPM post when the rakyat is suffering from the economic situation - Podah

Meanwhile, Pak Hadi, seperti Orang China kata, makan ayam sokong ayam, makan sapi sokong lembu.

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