Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Only those against ‘big tent’ should be in PKR’s leadership council, says Rafizi

Only those against ‘big tent’ should be in PKR’s leadership council, says Rafizi

Rafizi Ramli said many PKR members were against the ‘big tent’ approach.

PETALING JAYA: PKR’s incoming deputy president Rafizi Ramli says the party’s central leadership council should be made up of those who are against the “big tent” approach.

The council’s new members will be voted in at the party’s congress at the IDCC Shah Alam this weekend.

“We should choose candidates who clearly reject the ‘big tent’,” said Rafizi in a Facebook post.

“A large part of PKR members from across the country are against the ‘big tent’ approach and want PKR to build on its own strengths.

“Vote for candidates who consistently reject the ‘big tent’ approach.”

Some 70 PKR members are contesting for the 20 seats in the party’s central leadership council for the 2022-2024 term, according to a list of candidates posted on the PKR election website last month.

Rafizi’s Facebook post included a list of 25 candidates whom he said were against the “big tent” approach.

The “big tent” term is used to describe PKR president Anwar Ibrahim’s preference for uniting all opposition parties against Barisan Nasional.

Rafizi said in April that he was against the idea, stating that the Sheraton Move which saw the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan government in March 2020 showed that a coalition could be betrayed by a component member.

In his Facebook post, Rafizi also urged PKR members not to vote for candidates who had worked to “betray the party” or groups that were involved in “bullying or gangsterism”.

“Select candidates who have expertise that can be used to build the party,” he said.

“We should stay away from the culture of appointing leaders who only want to fill positions but do not want to work or have no idea how to improve the party.”


kt comments:

Obvious that Rafizi is against Anwar's desire for a Big Tent' approach in GE15. 

This plus the recent (Rafizi's) INVOKE survey saying Nurul is more popular than Anwar makes me wonder whether Rafizi is now moving against Anwar as Head of PKR?

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