Saturday, July 09, 2022

Could DAP have nudged Mahathir to step aside for Anwar in 2020?


Helen Ang

Could DAP have nudged Mahathir to step aside for Anwar in 2020?

Posted on July 9, 2022

It was the pressure from his cabinet colleagues and own party MPs that forced Boris Johnson to resign.

And coming up next, somebody else from the Conservative Party will soon take over as the next British PM.

The catalyst to Johnson’s ouster was the departure of his finance minister Rishi Sunak. (Rishi, btw, is an ethnic minority in the UK.)

Rishi‘s successor Nadhim Zahawi similarly turned the screw, advising Johnson to step down pronto. (Nadhim too is an ethnic minority.)

Unlike the UK finance ministers, Mahathir’s own equivalent occupant of ‘No.11 Downing Street’ was his nodding ‘Yes man’ — in the words of a currently marginalised DAP public figure.

Or in the words of Malaysiakini columnist Thayaparan, Lim Guan Eng was “a castrated finance minister who had to run everything through Mahathir“.

‘Yes man’-Guan Eng’s marked subservience begs a counterfactual question: What if he, Anthony Loke and the many other DAP Yang Berhormats in the Mahathir administration had had more cojones?

BELOW: Anthony, now the DAP sec-gen, holding Mahathir’s mike when PM 2.0 attacked Dong Zong

DAP’s bait-and-switch betrayal of Chinese

What if DAP and their Harapan colleagues – say DPM Wan Azizah – collectively decided to quit when Mahathir refused to make way for Anwar as was agreed?

After all, DAP and PKR outnumbered Bersatu in the Dewan and should have dictated terms instead of bowing to the old man.

The Brit politicians dictated to Johnson as we saw a couple of days ago. And they got their desired result in 72 hours — the PM’s resignation.

Health Minister Sajid Javid handed in his goodbye letter back-to-back with Rishi. (Sajid is also an ethnic minority in the UK.)

Sajid’s Parliamentary Private Secretary Saqib Bhatti resigned in tandem. (Saqib is an ethnic minority as well.)

Other ministers followed suit. Equalities Minister Olukemi Olufunto Badenoch resigned from the Johnson cabinet joining Rishi, Sajid and the rest in what the embattled PM has described as following the “herd instinct”. (Olukemi is another ethnic minority person.)

Tory MP Abimbola Afolami resigned as vice chair of the party in protest of Johnson continuing as PM. (Abimbola is an ethnic minority too.)

Home Minister Priti Patel – see BBC above – likewise told Johnson that he should resign. (Priti is an ethnic minority.)

Not belonging to the ethnic majority does not mean that the DAP jellyfish elected by Chinese voters have to remain always spooked and spineless.

The unfolding drama in Whitehall (area where British government offices are chiefly located) displays the potential within a ruling party to act decisively against its PM. And act the Tory MPs did.

As Johnson himself concedes, “when the herd moves, it moves.” British ethnic minority politicians in government started the stampede as the two finance ministers of the immediate past (Rishi Sunak) and present (Nadhim Zahawi) have shown us.

Not so the self-regarding ministers from DAP. As pointed out by political analyst Khoo Kay Peng, “I remembered how DAP leaders especially young cabinet ministers and deputies were praising Dr M non stop post GE14” — see @kpkhoo below.

DAP bak kera dapat bunga

Mahathir became PM 2.0 on the strength of the ethnic minority vote. He did not ride into Putrajaya on the back of the Malay majority.

And the Sheraton Move showed how the 95 percent Chinese support for DAP was ultimately worth peanuts.

To add seasoning to a dish served cold, DAP’s leadership had been so pliant as to be thoroughly coopted by Mahathir all throughout their 22 months together.

Like the proverbial Three Monkeys, DAP reps feeding on the crumbs off Mahathir’s table had learned at lightning speed to see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil.

After first contact with Putrajaya perks and privileges, the DAP Yang Berhormats became blind to the wedge issues they used to raise most ferociously in their election campaigns.

They became deaf to the complaints from their voter base — issues which they once ruthlessly exploited as political capital.

They became muted on Harapan manifesto promises such as delivering recognition of the UEC (independent Chinese high school exam cert).

While deaf and dumb to their grassroots, the DAP reps nonetheless made good use of their tongue to lick Mahathir’s feet and their mouth to suck the old man’s toes.

Thou shalt not lie

DAP falsely told Chinese that Mahathir was a changed man. Ubah my foot!

Although DAP let themselves be outplayed by Mahathir’s Sheraton Move, they’ve never to this day acknowledged their personal culpability.

The fact that Mahathir is a serial slayer of PMs and a racist – Recall his ‘Shoot on Sight’ threat against the ethnic Chinese boat people fleeing Vietnam in the late 1970s – were traits well-known to the general public, and particularly to the DAP.

Dapsters have been saying all sorts of things against Mahathir for decades but they still elevated him to the premiership anyway for a second time. Talk about the turkey that voted for Christmas!

It says a lot about DAP and its zombie supporters when Harapan attempted to replicate the same old, same old political system. Again, with the same old, same old nonagenarian taking the helm despite everybody being cognisant of Mahathir’s reputation and scorpion sting.

ABOVE: Hannah Yeoh who screamed ‘Ubah sekarang! Bersihkan Malaysia’ became Mahathir’s DAP #1 fan girl

In a shameless about-face, Mahathir’s most vocal critics from DAP of the distant and not-too-distant past were the ones most willing to whitewash (“Bersih”) him in the eyes of the Chinese community.

Never mind that DAP, for long decades, spat curses at Mahathir whom they unanimously considered dirty.

Not only did DAP do a 180-degree turn promoting their Harapan chairman, and not only did its YBs pathetically fawn on him but their entire political edifice colluded to lie for Mahathir.

In the UK, the revolting Tory MPs consider it inappropriate to lie for Johnson.

They also believe that since Johnson was elected on a conservative platform, he should therefore govern as a conservative and not bait and switch by behaving like a liberal. Hence the cabinet coup.

DAP was elected on the basis of its championing minority rights but once in Putrajaya, they betrayed their constituents by behaving more as Mahathir’s minions.

BELOW: In September 2017, a soon-to-be cabinet minister on Mahathir’s left; a soon-to-be deputy minister on his right

At the beginning of the supposed handover year (2020) when Anwar was expecting the baton change, DAP and PKR shamelessly told the media that everything was still hunky dory in the ruling coalition. ‘Nothing to see here … move along, move along now”.

Any rumours to the contrary were dismissed as fake news and conspiracy theory by Harapan.

When DAP was eventually outflanked by its slippery Harapan boss in the sudden Sheraton manoeuvre, Guan Eng turned from self-proclaimed CAT (acronym for Penang’s Competency-Accountability-Transparency motto) into a quiet church mouse.

In fact, a mere matter of weeks circling in Mahathir’s orbit had already reduced Lim Jr to acting more like a “eunuch” (Thayaparan’s word) rather than an ISA alumnus.

In the UK, their Finance Ministers Rishi and Nadhim are men of action. Guan Eng’s elevation to the Finance Ministry, on the other hand, cast him as a simpering stage prop at Mahathir’s left shoulder.

Mahathir spectacularly brought out the hypocrisy of those surrounding him in Putrajaya who were previously the noisy federal opposition.

Within DAP there are some dissenters to Mahathir but these principled individuals were shouted down by the Mahathir new fan club.

True to style, Hannah Yeoh accused the anti-Mahathir Ronnie Liu of being “toxic”. Apparently Mahathir was no longer toxic once he hooked up with DAP.

Tony Pua accused Ronnie of being an unwanted “chauvinist”. Evidently Mahathir no longer was chauvinistic nor “ketuanan” once he entered the DAP big tent. (Btw, Tony was chief aide to the finance minister during Harapan’s time in power.)

DAP acquiescence to Mahathir’s frogs

The PM showed a kind of ‘leadership by example’ – if you want to call it that – through accepting into Bersatu a colony of MPs and Aduns defecting from Umno and other establishment parties.

Mahathir’s enthusiastic embrace of frogs was tolerated by the DAP in total acceptence. The proverbial Three Monkeys always preaching integrity and ethics were in practice blind, deaf and dumb to the pondful of croaking frogs in their backyard.

BELOW: Kneeling beside the pond to kiss Mahathir’s frogs (pix for illustration purposes)

With their capitulation, the silent DAP leaders were complicit in Mahathir’s Machiavellian machinations. As Mahathir’s cabinet and high-level members of his administration, they must bear collective responsibility.

DAP leaders have no problem blackening their critics with a variety of woke tropes, for example Hannah who declared she will go on doing her multikulti thing even “in the face of a handful of extreme voices in this land”. She was alluding (in her veiled criticism) to party colleague Dr Boo Cheng Hau — who incidentally has more honesty contained in his little finger than the thimbleful from Mahathir‘s DAP cabinet ministers combined.

Malaysiakini columnist Thayaparan in his recent article on July 4 wrote that the DAP “has no problem calling everyone else a running dog but displayed the same traits or worse when it was in power”.

To return to the title question: Could DAP, when it was in power, have compelled Mahathir to step aside for Anwar?

The answer is ‘Yes’ they could, going by the successful removal of PM Boris Johnson we’ve just witnessed.

The realpolitik, however, is ‘No’ they would not have done so because DAP willingly walked in lockstep with Mahathir all the way.

So quickly had his DAP Chosen Ones rolled over to become obedient lapdogs.


kt comments:

Have to agree with Helen Ang


  1. Agreed too with this anmokausai bitch's unspoken pommie admiration?

    If all the DAP ministers resigned from mamak's cabinet, there will be many other melayu, from within mamak's pact, would gladly jump in to take up the vacated posts.

    Then, what?

    With an all melayu cabinet setting - a ketuanan opportunity for those mfering nationalists to push through their narrative. Just liken to the National Operations Council (NOC), also known as the Majlis Gerakan Negara (MAGERAN), was established as a caretaker government to temporarily govern the country between 1969 and 1971. Many ketuanan policies were formulated & pushed through during this period bcoz there were NO significsnt Nons, besides that two ketuanan puppies of Tun Tan Siew Sin & Tun Sambanthan, to raise ANY objections to policies detrimental to their race!

    Appointing ministers is the sole right of the pm - a pommie legacy.

    Boris is in an unenviable political maelstrom of his own making. He COULDN'T count on the WASP within his party to support him!

    The mamak had plenty of the racist ketuanan freaks, zombies to work his magic! With the Nons around as ministers, mamak's hands were tied. Neither could he simply sack any one of those minister w/o fear of any political retribution. Remember, even though mamak wanted to sack Yeo, yet he couldn't! That was a telling sign u all chose to ignored!

  2. I believe DAP will pay the price come GE15.

    I really hope so.

  3. Must be GE15 coming soon. Some discarded mercenary are back in demand. A lot of rubbish and half truth! What is your ex up to? Wakakakaka

  4. Put it this way. That old man talking to the young boy video was indeed a tear jerker. And as a 67 year old man and voter, I too was conned by the acting skills of U Tun. Agreed with CK above totally!
