Friday, July 15, 2022

‘Big tent’ talks not benefiting Malaysians, says outgoing PKR Youth chief

‘Big tent’ talks not benefiting Malaysians, says outgoing PKR Youth chief

Akmal said that PKR should focus strengthening its ties with its PH allies so the coalition can fully focus on providing pragmatic solutions. — Picture by Shafwan Zaidon

SHAH ALAM, July 15 — Outgoing PKR Youth chief Akmal Nasrullah Mohd Nasir today urged his party to move on from seeking to join forces with parties outside Pakatan Harapan (PH) for GE15.

The Johor Bahru MP said discussions surrounding the “big tent” approach only revolved around which party would get which positions rather than provide solutions to regular Malaysians, adding that it would not endear PKR or the PH coalition to voters.

“Our stance so far is clear and consistent, in line with the majority of grassroots voices, which is that we do not want to be swept away by the political talk of the big tent,” he said in his policy speech at the PKR Youth congress here.

Akmal drew parallels between the “big tent” approach and tactics applied by PH’s political rivals to further their individual interests.

“Until now, the big tent discussion has revolved around who wants a position; who the Malay figure who said ‘Malays easily forget’ don’t like,” he said.

He added that those who have been pushing for this approach may appear friendly now, but added that their friendship was conditional.

“The day after tomorrow they don't want friends anymore. Sorry to say, this is a waste of time if we care for it and there is no result,” he added.

Without naming anyone, Akmal cautioned his party mates against imitating their political enemies whom he described as being busy lobbying to get high positions for self-enrichment or keep themselves out of trouble with the law over court cases.

Akmal said that instead, PKR should focus strengthening its ties with its PH allies so the coalition can fully focus on providing pragmatic solutions.

He said PKR should also continue its efforts to reach out to fence-sitter voters the Ayuh Malaysia nationwide campaign initiated by incoming deputy president Rafizi Ramli.

He urged delegates to have more confidence in their top two leaders: president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Rafizi.

“Anwar Ibrahim is known and recognised as the figure who gave birth to the post-1998 reform movement, the architect of the idea of ​​reform and because of the suffering and tyranny he endured, we have achieved a change in the political landscape that is better and beneficial for most people.

“Rafizi Ramli, on the other hand, is able and can play a role in helping the party gain the support of various segments and figures who bring a fresh political approach based on formulae and data,” Akmal said.

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