Sunday, March 13, 2022

Mulut MENHEN ta'bolih mati

Kit Siang: Extra week of campaigning would have given Najib a 'slap'

JOHOR POLLS | After conceding that DAP lost four seats in the Johor election, DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang launched a broadside against his favourite target – former premier Najib Abdul Razak.

He claimed that DAP and Pakatan Harapan would have won more seats and denied BN a two-thirds majority if there was an additional week of campaigning.

“This would have been a slap in the face for Najib,” Lim (above) stressed.

The extra week, he said, would have allowed DAP and Harapan to convince voters “not to allow a kleptocrat to return as prime minister”.

“An extra week would have made all the difference,” he told the media at the Harapan tallying centre in Senai.


kt comments:

Please don't tok-kok lah. What one more week(?) when you have been bashing Najib non-stop since 2016, until you were awarded the shameful notorious & risible title of MENHEN (Menteri Hal Ehwal Najib). 

That title was risible because we know you attacked Najib just to please your Boss, Mahathir. That's one of the reasons why your party has been losing popularity. Instead of formulating and announcing policies beneficial to Malaysians you were more interested in bodek-ing Mahathir - has that been your principal role?

And speaking of your Boss, Mahathir, didn't you give a personal publicly-declared guarantee you would resign from politics if Mahathir failed to hand over the PM position to Anwar Ibrahim honorably as he promised?

Well, when the eff are you going to resign. Or are you telling us you are just as dishonourable as Mahathir?

Penangites would say Lim KHAT's "chui beh see" (mulut ta'bolih mati)

'Dah kalah, terima keputusan saje dengan merendah diri lah


  1. It is truly quite tiresome to hear excuses after excuses from LKS.

    He wants to sound like a wise old man despatching pearls of wisdom. But he does come off as a pathetic unprincipled old man who was beguiled by another older man.

    He should just go....

  2. Balik-balik Hentam Lim Kit Siang.

    The BN / PN Government has governed very badly during this pandemic, inconsistent and often clueless decision making, double/ triple standards in law enforcement, prioritising the interests and well-being of Crony Fat Cats.

    When are Malaysians going to start holding this BN Government accountable ?
    Lim Kit Siang is NOT the problem.
