Sunday, March 13, 2022

No govt can administer without a clear majority, says Najib

No govt can administer without a clear majority, says Najib

Former prime minister Najib Razak said the Johor elections results reflected the people’s wish for stability.

PETALING JAYA: Former prime minister Najib Razak says the Johor elections results show that the people want stability, prosperity and development.

“The people’s voices are loud and clear. This is a people’s referendum. They want stability. They want prosperity and development.

“No government can administer without a clear majority,” he said in a Facebook post tonight, following Barisan Nasional’s (BN) big victory in Johor.

According to official results, the coalition won 40 of the 56 state assembly seats.

Najib said in Johor, there had been a state of uncertainty caused by the death of former menteri besar Osman Sapian which needed to be resolved. (Osman was succeeded by Sahruddin Jamal but Pakatan Harapan collapsed in March 2020, leading to a change of government and Hasni Mohammad becoming menteri besar.)

“For BN, there was only one way, a return to the ballot box, we go back to the people. This is the principle of democracy,” he said.

BN’s win today is expected to lead to louder calls for the dissolution of Parliament to pave the way for the 15th general election.

Already, there were chants of “bubar Parlimen” (dissolve Parliament) at the BN war room in Johor Bahru on the arrival of Umno vice-president Ismail Sabri Yaakob, who is prime minister.

BN chairman Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has told reporters that BN will not push for GE15 just yet, though it is clear what the grassroots want.

Several top Umno leaders have already spoken on the need for a snap general election due to the current political situation where Ismail’s administration hinges on a thin majority.

The government he leads is supported by Bersatu and PAS.

However, Umno’s ties with the two Perikatan Nasional parties are becoming increasingly strained and the outcome of the Johor elections is only expected to make things worse.


  1. A leader of a party telling you they cannot govern without an overwhelming majority is a symptom of a party that does not believe in engaging critics, dissenters and outsiders on constructive discussions, compromise and respect for different opinions.

    Many governments around the world govern successfully with simple majorities. It forces them to listen to and respect others, incorporate good ideas from a wide range of stakeholders and admitting errors when they are wrong.

    UMNO and BN are clearly in the "Only I am Right, Might is Right" mentality. They may have internal discussions, but they simply cannot govern if they are forced to listen to others.

    Just too bad , Malaysian voters seem to agree that Might is Right.

  2. The ultimate test of an administration IS its performances in the eyes of the citizen.

    It has very little to do with the oft-chanted western utopian governances - "listen to and respect others, incorporate good ideas from a wide range of stakeholders and admitting errors when they are wrong".

    The utmost reason being most of the ordinary people have very little time to worry about the big issues of the country or the world. Their immediate worries only encircle their daily tolls that r surrounding them.

    This is not that they have no concerns for all those bigger issues that the country/world r facing. They r! & that's the reason they elect what they thought r the best people to help them to manage all those big issues while also taking care of their circumstantial worries.

    Unfortunately in the current contemporary forms of govt - the western capitalistic demoNcracy has been PROMOTED to be the ONLY choice amongst most of these people who r been heavily indoctrinated by the transient & subtle influences of Hollywood!

    Thus, the current state of chaos all-over the world, outside China, caused by all the twisted forms of individualism exihibited. All these elected govt have a very low popular rating amongst their electorates - making a fool of the winning -by-majority democratic dogma.

    The current select-&-elect social mechanism of the Chinese communistic govt stands out as a very viable alternative.

    It's NOT perfect as it's still into its youthful phase. Yet, under a group of dedicated & experienced administrators it has shown commendable results - in eliminating absolute poverty, upgrading the well-being of the citizen, planning & envisaging vigorously for a shared prosperity into the far future of the country. These r all happening while also taking care of the citizenry's immediate needs/wants.

    The country might go wrong along the deviant path further into the future due to the concentration of the powers within a small group of elites. But,that process

    1) too far into the future & based on the inevitable cyclical nature of the human governing evolution

    2) the select-&-elect mechanism has a built-in safety valve to eliminate any possible deviant in his/her early existence

    3) the Chinese characteristics of 人类命运共同体 ideology has eliminated the western concept of "Might is Right". This philosophical concept has been the capping stone of all the Chinese empires, since eons, to treat the world outside of the mainland
