Friday, October 18, 2024

Ukraine bridles at no-holds-barred US support for Israel


Ukraine bridles at no-holds-barred US support for Israel

The U.S. this week deployed an advanced air defense system and dozens of troops to protect Israel from Iranian ballistic missiles, but there is nothing like that level of help for Ukraine even though it daily faces Russian drone, missile and bomb attacks.

In Kyiv, that’s being called out as a double standard.

“If the allies shoot down missiles together in the sky of the Middle East, why is there still no decision to shoot down drones and missiles over Ukraine?” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy asked last month.

When U.S. and British air defense systems and fighter planes helped knock down hundreds of Iranian missiles Oct. 1., Ukraine’s foreign ministry said: “We call on Ukraine’s allies to defend Ukrainian airspace with the same determination and without hesitation from Russian missile and drone attacks, recognizing that human life is equally precious in any part of the world.”

The allies also intervened in April.

The reason why the U.S. acts boldly in Israel and cautiously in Ukraine is clear: Russia is armed with nuclear weapons and Iran isn’t.

“The tough answer that Ukrainians may not like to hear but is unfortunately true is that we can take the risk of shooting down Iranian missiles over Israel without triggering direct war with Tehran that could lead to nuclear war,” a senior U.S. Senate aide who works on Ukraine policy told POLITICO. “There’s a lot more risk in trying that with Russia.” — Politico EU

Our Take: LOL, no.

The reason that we defend Israel against our own interests is because the Israel oligarchy (Mafia) owns our government. Bought and paid for.

Don't believe me? Go research any recent antisemitism "hate speech laws" that have been passed in your state over the past two years. What you will find is that roughly 40 states—mostly controlled by the Republican Party—have installed measures that classify criticism of the Israeli government as "hate speech."

Glenn Youngkin of Virginia was the first to do it—to my knowledge, at least, back in 2022.

Kristi Noem had the temerity to call her edict "Ensuring the Security of God's Chosen People," which is a horrifying slight against Christians, considering that in the New Testament Jesus explicitly states that the "Chosen People" are not Jews, but those who choose to believe in Him, and embrace His teachings.

In case any of you were wondering, there are exactly 345 Jewish people living in the state of South Dakota.

These measures did not happen organically. It was part of a highly orchestrated scheme by a collection of foreign countries, operating under an NGO called the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, which is explicitly cited in all of these edicts as the authority to define "antisemitism," and even states that the definition is fluid and subject to change in the future.

As of now, the IHRA says that antisemitism is criticizing the government of Israel—equating "anti-Zionism" with antisemitism. A foreign government, administered by mortals. And yet, the governments of America have stated that if any American citizen dare speak out against this FOREIGN government, then they have committed a crime.

I cannot overstate the levels of treason that we are dealing with, here. The Republican Party has proven itself to be the single-most dangerous and subversive threat to the Bill of Rights, because nobody seems to notice the GOP slowly wrapping it coils around the First Amendment and squeezing the life out of it.

As it turns out, the manual for Project 2025—remember that one?—has a section that outlines a plan to make these draconian "hate speech" edicts federal policies. They call it "Project Esther."

In truth, I think the biggest mistake that the Israel lobby is making right now is trying to conflate a political entity (a government) with a religion. They are doing it out of fear, as a survival tactic, because they don't think they will be able to maintain support for Israel, unless they started arresting those who criticize its government.

They have been doing this in Israel for a very long time, because Israel has never really been the liberal democracy that it has long been presented to be. It is actually a fascist-authoritarian state pretending to a be a democracy—the same thing that the United States is currently transforming into... probably because the political forces that control Israel also control the United States.

Remember, Israel was founded by Bolsheviks and National-Socialists fleeing from the extreme poverty of the [Jewish] Pale of Settlement. Their entire political spectrum is socialist, meaning their "right wing" parties are actual fascist factions that embrace corporatism as a legitimate doctrine. Israel was not founded by Christian men who valued free speech, the right to self-defense, self-reliance, individual rights, and liberty against oppressive governments.

It is pure folly to purport that Israel's culture and value system is identical to that of America. That doesn't mean that we can't be friends, but let's stop pretending that Israel represents some kind of extension of American values. It most certainly does not. It's not even a Christian nation, which is why it is so intolerant of its neighbors.

Whether Israel survives this crucible will come down to the moral compass of the Israeli people. They will either throw Netanyahu—and the oligarchy he represents—off the proverbial cliff, or they will follow him over the edge and into the abyss. Only they can make that decision. But America has no moral obligation to follow them into hell. The real question is, how long until this precedent will be applied to American governments? How long until we are not allowed to criticize them? What happens if the IHRA decides to modify its "working definition" to include support of a particular political movement?

Here is National Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, losing his mind after being called a "terrorist" by Palestinian-Israeli politician Ahmad Tibi. (Note that their response is that Jews cannot be considered "terrorists," highlighting their sense of supremacy and double-standards.)

This warms the heart, and gives me hope that maybe Israel can be saved from itself. — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry



    🇭🇺🇺🇦Orban called Zelensky's "victory plan" "the shortest path to unleashing a third world war."

    Budapest calls on NATO to limit itself to "diplomatic means".

    "Hungary does not support this plan. It is aimed at escalating military action and involving NATO countries in the conflict, which is completely unacceptable for Hungary. Instead, the European Union and all member states should pursue a peaceful strategy, focusing on using diplomatic means rather than sending weapons and further escalation," Balazs Orban, an adviser to the Hungarian prime minister, told reporters in Brussels.

  2. Yes, admittedly headline can be clickbaity, again...thought it was in the US but readout of article refer to Cuba. It is a notable event. Was there a storm, hurricane? None mentioned. The channel provides and provokes interesting phenomena observation.

    Known last scale blackout coupled with alleged clandestine operation occured in Pakistan, the allegation was that a group of treacherous Congress reps were about to sign off some US energy asset over to CCP in one of the city in Pakistan. Another country was related to Khazakstan. Specific alleged ops escape my memory but it was related to geopolitical situation involving Russia as well.

    One other blackout and allegation of hush-hush op was in the city of Atlanta, specifically the airport area and a single plane traced back to a specialized IL based transported. Atlanta is where the CDC tier 1 biolab is located.
