Friday, October 04, 2024

Johor Umno Youth chief 'ungrateful' for discrediting Chinese votes - Tiong

Johor Umno Youth chief 'ungrateful' for discrediting Chinese votes - Tiong

Published: Oct 2, 2024 6:39 PM

Johor Umno Youth chief Noor Azleen Ambros is an ingrate for downplaying the contribution of Chinese voters to the Madani coalition's victory in the Mahkota by-election, said Progressive Democratic Party (PDP) president Tiong King Sing.

Using a Chinese idiom, the tourism, arts, and culture minister said Azleen's criticism of Chinese voter turnout is like "destroying the bridge after crossing the river".

"By relying on baseless data, he discredits the contribution of Chinese votes in the by-election. Instead of a simple ‘thank you,’ he blames the Chinese community.

"His quick change of attitude is disheartening for the entire Chinese community," Tiong (above) said in a Chinese statement today.

BN won the Mahkota by-election with a landslide on Saturday.

Noor Azleen Ambros

However, several Umno leaders, including Azleen, have questioned DAP's contribution to the victory, citing internal estimates that only 34 to 36 percent of Chinese voters in Mahkota cast their ballots.

Other analyses - including by Johor DAP chief Liew Chin Tong - however, place the number between 43 and 49 percent.

Poor research

Tiong claimed it was 53.6 percent, chastising Azleen for poor research.

"I am also puzzled. Where did he get the data claiming that the Chinese voter turnout was only 34 to 36 percent? Has he not thought carefully? If the Chinese turnout was so low, how did Syed Hussien (Syed Abdullah) manage to win with such a large majority of 20,648 votes?"

"In fact, the Chinese voter turnout in the Mahkota by-election was 53.6 percent, while the Malay voter turnout was 56.6 percent," he said.

Tiong added that Azleen's failure to conduct basic fact-checking was laughable, frustrating, and embarrassing.

The Sarawak politician said the Madani government had placed great importance on the Mahkota by-election, and despite differences in race and party backgrounds, leaders from various parties set aside their differences and actively participated in the campaign to achieve a common goal.

Tiong noted that he himself campaigned in Mahkota, as did many Chinese associations and civil organisations.

Thus when BN won, it should have been a moment of celebration.

"Yet, the comments from the Johor Umno Youth chief have poured cold water on it. His remarks run contrary to the ideals of the unity government and seem to target the Chinese community specifically.

"If Azleen truly has the capacity and political responsibility, he should apologise to the Chinese community for his arrogance and ignorance," he said.

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