Saturday, May 18, 2024
Ok here is a collection from The Star today. Thank you to The Star for your excellent graphics and for not being kedekut today and allowing access to your full story.
No. 1
- Extremist groups may be dormant, but never underestimate.
- ticking time bombs that may explode at any time, say experts.
- threat of violence from extremist groups cannot be understated
- They must be constantly kept under scrutiny and surveillance
- attacker in Ulu Tiram came with parang and not firearms or explosives
- indicates that this may be a random act from a JI member
(OSTB : I really dont think so. If he had a machine gun I am sure he would have brought his machine gun. If he had an M1 Abrams tank I am sure he would have brought his Abrams tank. But maybe on that day the Abrams tank was at the mechanic's shop for servicing. What weapons he came with or did not come with is not relevant. What is scary is he came with the intention to murder people. Which he did, he murdered two innocent people.)
government must address extremism, radicalism to ensure safety and security
attack could have been “copycat” of similar attacks in Indonesia few years ago
“It might have inspired this particular attack”
(OSTB : Copycat? All this psycho mad behaviour is imported. WHY? The answer is very simple. Because the local people have no brains.
Jemaah Islamiyah terrorism is imported from Indonesia. WHY? Because the local people are bodoh. They like 'barang impot'.
The Wahabi / Salafi extremism is imported from Saudi Arabia. WHY? Because the local people are bodoh. They like 'barang impot'.
That Indian terrorist mentor is imported from India. Still living here. At one time he was given police outriders. WHY? Because the local people are bodoh. They like 'barang impot'.
That Arab fellow cakap Terengganu is imported from Tanah Unta. Then he started creating controversy. WHY? Because the local people are bodoh. They like 'barang impot'.
So the problem is the local people are bodoh. They are easily influenced by all these stupid and satanic 'barang impot'. And the gomen closes one eye. You allow all these stupid and satanic extremists into the country. They can come and go anytime. Ikut suka hati depa. And then when they start killing and murdering our people you buat bodoh pula. Disbelief lah, ticking time bomb lah. How stupid can you get?)
- authorities should step up surveillance on suspected radical groups
- “While some could be seen as dormant, they should never be underestimated
- Authorities have to stop people from being influenced by extremist ideologies”
- suspect’s father was a JI member
- takfiri ideology (excommunicating other Muslims) runs in the family
- time bomb which exploded
- important to remain vigilant because ideology is not dead
(OSTB : Oops its too late. Two policemen have now been killed. Two families have been deprived of their loved ones. Please step up the surveillance. Better late than never.)
No. 2 Villagers in disbelief over attack
(OSTB : I dont believe this).
- man who killed two policeman reclusive
- family living away from others
- family house in Jln Rabani, Kg Sungai Tiram fenced off in private area
- 10 other houses in the settlement also display no-entry signs
- located not far from Madrasah Luqmanul Hakim, once the haunt of Jemaah Islamiah
- settlement had been around for more than 20 years
- all the families there living in seclusion
- not mingling with other villagers
- shocked killer was in our midst
(OSTB : TEN other houses in the settlement for over 20 years? Hello Johor Police? What have you been doing? How can there be TEN other houses belonging to these pro-JI people for the past 20 years? I thought that Madrasatul Luqmanul Hakim was shut down long ago. How can the madrasah still be operating? If what The Star has reported here is true, then what have the Johor Police been doing?)
- assailant had four siblings
- did not go to school
- educated by his father
- who is also a member of Jemaah Islamiah (JI)
- whole family did not receive formal education
- but are schooled by their father
- possibly (indoctrinated) with extremist teachings
(OSTB : Wow !! Let me make a kuda liar guess. The father had advanced training in Jemaah Islamiyah ideology? Let me make another kuda liar guess - the same father must have taught the four other siblings the same stuff. So now we still have FOUR other siblings walking around breathing this toxic stuff all over Ulu Tiram.
Ulu Tiram village chief said the incident had residents worried
(OSTB : But for 20 years the villagers did not seem to worry. Did anyone make any Police reports over the past 20 years? I dont think so.)
- Ulu Tiram familiar place for Jemaah Islamiah (JI) leaders and fighters
- Indons Abu Bakar Bashir, Abdullah Sungkar established Luqmanul Hakim
- in 2015 Abu Bakar jailed 15 years, released in January, 2021.
- JI's Noordin Mohd Top, Asia’s most wanted terrorist, attended madrasah
- with Mukhlas who was also part of 2002 Bali bombings.
- Noordin 41, was killed by Indonesian security forces on Sept 17, 2009
- Mukhlas executed in 2008, for Bali bombings
- He too brought religious teachers from Indonesia to Ulu Tiram.
- The Ulu Tiram madrasah was shut down in the early 2000s
- Indon terrorist Hambali met his wife Lee Yin Len at same madrasah
- Hambali, 2 M'sian partners Mohamed Farik Amin, Mohamed Nazir Lep
- 2 M'sians personally recruited by him for suicide attack in US later aborted
- Hambali key Al-Qaeda leader in South-East Asia
- charges against trio for two terrorist attacks in Indonesia, US citizens killed
- all three still being held in US naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
- classified “high value detainees” and “high-risk threat to US and allies"
- Hambali aka Encep Nurjaman and Riduan Isamuddin, was PR in Malaysia
(OSTB : WhO gave Hambali the PR? WhO gave Abu Bakar Basyir his PR? Siapa suruh sign?)
My Comments :
I have a simple solution for all this religious violence. What we do not want is the violence. Extremism is debateable. There are extremely hardcore Tibetan monks (Buddhist monks) who isolate themselves inside the Buddhist monastery on the mountain tops in Tibet. They isolate themselves for decades and spend all their time in prayer and meditation. Those are hardcore, extremist Buddhist monks. But they do not resort to violence.
You still have those hardcore Jesuit Christian priests who go and live in the jungles in the Amazon, in Papua New Guinea helping the native peoples who live in the jungles. They are extreme hardcore too. But they are not violent.
The problem is the violence. K E G A N A S A N. I want to ask the Muslims - all the Muslims. Why do you have to be so damned violent?
Or why do you tolerate all this VIOLENCE?
For 20 years those Jemaah Islamiyah fellows have been living in their secluded 'settlement' in Ulu Tiram. The village people did not complain.
The other day that moron fellow created so much hatred against that kedai runcit. There were firebombing attacks against that kedai runcit outlets around the country. How many Muslims complained? The non-Muslims were worried and upset. But what did the Muslims do?
That Malay girl was caring for stray dogs or something. There were many Muslims who wanted to take action against her - for taking care of stray dogs?? They wanted her to be arrested and locked up. That is violence. Why are you all so full of hatred and violence?
That Malay girl was just working in a Chinese owned book shop which happened to sell a book (which had NOT YET been banned at that time). They arrested the Malay girl worker and charged her in court. If guilty she would be jailed. Again VIOLENCE. Use of FORCE or mengguna KEKERASAN. Its the same thing. FORCE = KEKERASAN = VIOLENCE = KEGANASAN.
Whether it is Jemaah Islamiyah or the gomen (pemerintah) VIOLENCE IS VIOLENCE. FORCE IS FORCE. AND FORCE IS VIOLENCE.
State sanctioned violence is 'according to the law".
Jemaah islamiyah violence is NOT according to the law.
That it is not wrong to use violence to enforce our religious beliefs.
The government also uses violence to enforce their religious beliefs.

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