Monday, May 20, 2024

India alleged to be acting on Israel's behalf to assassinate Iran's President Ibrahim Raisi


Thanks to 'MF' for following alert:

#BREAKING: Massive News⚠️ Reports are coming in that Iranian intelligence and special forces have raided Indian embassy in Tehran. Iran got a tip from unknown sources that India might be acting on Israel's behalf to assassinate Iran's President Ibrahim Raisi.


  1. "M" and KT deserve each other...going down the rabbit's hole of disinformation and misinformation.

    1. M, for as long as the blog host is generous enough to approve my comments and yours, we carry on ok? Of course, you are very much welcome to roil and roll in your long as K let it be seen by the world, we good.

      But do take the chill pill ya, and enjoy the flower while still possible...getting bitter in old age, according to the master, no good, begitu lah kata orang tua-tua...

  2. Last of the holdout.

    Colonel Sam Tauman, you're needed to relieve your man holding out from doing anymore damage in a kopitiam somewhere in a island. His end is coming up soon.

  3. Congo is rocking and rolling, babe...

    Isn't this where the alleged children exploitation in mine for ev battery?


    Who is Christian Malanga Musumari, the leader of this morning's attack in Congo?

    Born in Kinshasa, February 2, 1983.

    He is a former Congolese military officer who resides in the United States with his entire family.

    He is currently president of the United Congolese Party (PCU), a national political party which he formed after his experiences during the 2011 parliamentary elections.

    In 2013, he was named the first ambassador of the International Roundtable on Religious Freedom.

    On May 17, 2017, New Zaire was officially born when President Malanga created a government in exile in Brussels

    Having disappeared from the radar for several years, Malanga reappeared this morning at the Palais de la Nation during an armed attack orchestrated by its elements.

    According to security sources, Christian Malanga was killed by the FARDC after trying to overthrow the regime his son has been arrested with several others and also with an American man.

    1. Interesting if true.


      BREAKING🚨 The Biden Administration is set to allow Jewish billionaire Dan Gertler to cash out his mining positions in the Democratic Republic of Congo which has enraged human rights activists…

      Gertler is responsible for thousands of child slave deaths in his illegal cobalt and diamond mines in the DRC…


    3. Search results on Dan Gertler in news section of the search engine.

      The EO13818 from the wiki comment previously is pretty broad net to drag bad players in. Look like it did what it was design for.

    4. ~~~~~

      Christian Malanga the man behind the failed coup in DRC is seen greeting Israeli occupying forces in the occupied West Bank in Palestine…

      The coup comes 4 days after the Biden administration announced they would lift sanctions on corrupt Israeli billionaire Dan Gertler…

      Gertler has made his fortune through blood diamonds and illegal child slavery cobalt mines in the DRC…

      Former head of Mossad Spy Agency, Yossi Cohen who was deported and banned from the DRC is said to be behind the coup…

      The Biden Administration wants to build rail networks throughout the DRC to maximise the rare earths crucial for net zero technologies…

      Removing the current government is key to the plans and replacing them with Israeli-American alliances

    5. ~~~~~

      NEW: 🇨🇩 The moment Christian Malanga Son and the American CIA - Mossad agent were captured by the Republican Guard after their aborted coup d'état in Congo.

      They hid near the river so they could cross late at night to Brazzaville 🇨🇬.

  4. The good thing is, the blog host is opened enough to allow views to be posted on his comment section.

    I listened to what she had to say, find out, just maybe, there's a compelling case, if I'm open enough to examine the evidence she provides.

    As long as it is verifiable.



    I poked the bear, and I’m paying for it.

    I shared how sunscreen is more dangerous than the sun and that made the pharmaceutical cash cows ANGRY.

    They banned me on TikTok and had to publish a @WSJ article refuting my claims with opinions from PhDs.

    Here’s the full story:

  5. June 3rd?


    On Monday, June 3rd, a rare event known as the Parade of Planets will occur, where six planets of the solar system will align in a straight line. They will be visible just before sunrise here in the northern hemisphere.

  6. Interesting.


    Jumping ship before the biggest crash since 1929?

    JUST IN 🚨: Jamie Dimon is hinting that he is preparing to retire as CEO of JP Morgan $JPM

  7. In case if you're interested to explore, to find out more.

    Am certainly intrigue by his point.


    Big, if true! Can any chemists confirm? @leecronin?

    1. For the coming next few weeks part, we'll find out soon enough.


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