Friday, January 19, 2024

“Bangsa Malaysia A Hoax?” Ex-Umno Leaders “Teach” Dr Mahathir About Moderation And Multiculturalism!

“Bangsa Malaysia A Hoax?” Ex-Umno Leaders “Teach” Dr Mahathir About Moderation And Multiculturalism!

JK Joseph
epentant ex-banker who believes in truth, compassion and some humour.

Credit Image:

At a time when there is so much negativity, hurt and tension in the air, especially after a certain elderly statesman had questioned (not for the first time) the loyalty of the minorities in the country and portrayed them in a bad light, it was good to see some younger Malaysians “teaching” the older generation about the positive values and the “secrets” of living harmoniously in an increasingly challenging multiracial and multireligious environment!

In fact, in the most recent episode of the popular podcast “Keluar Sekejap” hosted by former health minister Khairy Jamaluddin and ex-Umno information chief, Shahril Hamdan, the dynamic duo had gamely delved into two recent incidents involving the “hypersensitive” issue of race and religion.

Firstly, Khairy (more fondly known as KJ) had highlighted the recent arson case at the home of Dato' Ngeh Koo Ham, the DAP MP for Beruas, who had sparked a controversy a few weeks earlier after having unwittingly made an uncalled-for “statement” in an issue involving Islam; he has since apologised for his irresponsible remarks.

The former Rembau MP then highlighted the importance of being cautious when issuing any statements, when making one's stance known or when reacting to a certain incident; he also called for total condemnation whenever violence is perpetrated (as in the case of the DAP MP) further stressing the importance of taking the “middle course” in a country like Malaysia.

Meanwhile, his co-host Shahril began on a more solemn note as he spoke about the recent demise of his beloved maternal grandmother in Jasin, Melaka who was a Chinese Christian; he added that even though she was 99yo it was still a sad occasion as she was very good to him and had featured in his life ever since he was four years old!

Interestingly, he went on to reaffirm to listeners his mixed parentage background with his father being Malay-Muslim and his mother being Chinese; yet, according to him all were well-treated and there was never any tension in the family with the universal values of mutual respect and kindness observed by both parties.

Shahril also pointed out a recent heartwarming incident where after his late grandmother’s burial had concluded, her family members had actually made sure there was a “halal” lunch ready for his family. Moved by the thoughtful gesture, he reiterated the importance of respecting (and appreciating) the boundaries and limits in a multiracial and multireligious setting such as Malaysia.

Perhaps, the lesson that can be learned from the two relatively young, highly-educated and bright ex-politicians is that multiculturalism can thrive in a plural society for as long as there is mutual respect among the different races and when everyone knows the limits - and does not cross the line with their words and actions; this will ensure they do not offend or hurt others from another religion or culture - which is really not that difficult unless self-interests, ego and hatred gets in the way.

However, sadly, it looks like the recent controversy ignited by ex-PM Dr Mahathir appears to be a classic case of one having “crossed the line" and where “respect” for fellow citizens of another race was crudely chucked out of the window!

For the record, recently, during an online interview with the Chennai-based Indian satellite television channel Thanthi TV, Dr Mahathir had lamented that apparently Indians (and Chinese) in Malaysia do not speak the local Malay language; he then went on to point out that they even have their own schools, their own language and their own culture!

Furthermore, when replying to the interviewer, he had claimed that they were “not completely loyal” to the country as they wanted to identify themselves with their countries of origin; he also reportedly stood by his previous remarks that Malaysia belongs to the people who founded the country.

Sensationally, he was also reported to have admitted that although MCA and MIC - who had represented the Chinese and Indian communities in the country respectively - were part of his ruling party for decades, apparently they were not meant to be owners of this land! (Which means they were just penumpangs?)

But what probably took the cake was when he was asked whether the Indians and Chinese here should completely shun their religion and practices to behave like Malays in order to assimilate, and he had allegedly replied: Yes!

Of course, going by the same logic, some people might argue that one fine day, should his descendants move to the United States, can they be forced to speak only English, drink beer, celebrate Halloween and consume whatever they eat over there before being granted US citizenship?

Meanwhile, the Star had reported that Dr Mahathir’s inflammatory remarks were roundly slammed by many individuals including politicians with some labelling it as a divisive comment from a supposedly well-respected two-time former prime minister.

In fact, even National Unity Minister Datuk Aaron Ago Dagang voiced his disappointment with the ex-PM saying the veteran politician should be a role model of national unity instead of inciting (racial) tensions, adding that moreover, unlike in Indonesia, the forefathers of this country had adopted the national integration approach instead of assimilation (in other words in this country it’s not right to impose one’s culture and belief on others).

Meanwhile, another federal minister Gobind Singh Deo asserted that the loyalty of the Indian and Chinese citizens in the country should not be questioned; according to him, this is because the Federal Constitution explicitly recognises – unless expressly allowed by the Constitution itself – that there shall be no discrimination against citizens on the grounds of religion, race, descent, place of birth or gender.

The truth is, to see a 98-year-old seasoned politician and a so-called senior statesman - and a passionate supporter of the oppressed Palestinians, at that - utter such provocative, illogical and insensitive words that deeply hurt his own countrymen is almost beyond belief!

And what about the thousands of Chinese, Indians, Ibans and others who have sacrificed life and limb for the nation serving in the army, navy and police battling communists and criminals? Imagine their reaction if they were to hear someone openly branding them as “not loyal” to their homeland.

Come to think of it, following Dr Mahathir’s latest rant, some of the older ones in the country who lived through the eighties and nineties might have even started to wonder now whether his iconic “Wawasan 2020” and his “Bangsa Malaysia” dream were all just a “hoax" after all!

In fact, in hindsight, it may appear to many dejected Chinese and Indians that he wasn't just a two-time prime minister - but a “two-timing” one as well!


  1. It is indeed a hoax when the descendents of immigrants refuse to use the Malay language as is expected of a national of any country with an official language.

    1. Even when the FedConstitution ALLOWS it?

      Mfer, keep yr palsu-ness to upstage yr melayu palsu terlampau melayu. Otherwise yr leaching plan is doomed!

    2. It is indeed a hoax when naturalised Indonesians like yourself have more rights than the orang Asli/Asal.
