Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Yeoh rebukes Lumut MP over polygamy pantun

Yeoh rebukes Lumut MP over polygamy pantun

PARLIAMENT | For years, members of Parliament would show their penchant for pantun - a Malay form of repetitive poetry - to the amusement of their fellow colleagues and the public who are watching the proceedings live on television.

While some stick to the traditional version of the literary art, others try to be creative by modifying their pantun with modern or funny words to rhyme.

And while most of the time such light moments were met with laughter or wide grin among lawmakers, a Perikatan Nasional MP today received brickbats after he came up with a pantun on polygamy this morning.

The brief moment happened when Nordin Ahmad Ismail (PN-Lumut) got up from his seat to ask a pre-submitted question to the defence minister.

"Ada hati nak tambah isteri, tambah isteri nombor dua, Assalamualaikum YB menteri, soalan saya nombor dua," he said, to indicate that his question is number two on the list.

(I have the intention to get another wife, she will be my number two, Assalamualaikum dear minister, my question is number two)

Lumut MP Nordin Ahmad Ismail

Nordin's remark did not sit well with Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh, who found it disrespectful to the Lumut MP's family.

"A PN MP cited this pantun during a session that was aired live (on television).

"While it was his right to do so, imagine what his family would feel (when watching the footage)," she said on X, formerly known as Twitter.

'Ada hati nak tambah isteri, tambah isteri nombor 2'. Ahli Parlimen PN buat pantun macam ini yang disiarkan secara live, walaupun itu hak beliau, bayangkan perasaan ahli keluarga.

Many netizens who replied to Yeoh's tweet also shared her sentiment and lambasted the Bersatu leader.

Yeoh was not the only government MP who criticised Nordin, a retired navy officer.

Several other MPs could be heard rebuking him soon after Nordin recited the pantun, including a female representative calling him as being "very low".

"Can't you find another pantun?" said another MP, whose voice could be heard on the live footage.


Two year ago a MP raised the following:

According to MyGovernment, which is a “single gateway to all government online services”, polygamy is required by Islam, among others, due to the husband’s “incredible sense of sexual desire” that the wife cannot fulfil.

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