Saturday, November 11, 2023

US diplomatic hierarchy downgrade? It’s news to me, says Nazri


US diplomatic hierarchy downgrade? It’s news to me, says Nazri

The Malaysian envoy to the US refutes a claim that his protocol hierarchy has been reduced by four levels following Malaysia’s stand on the Middle East conflict.

Ambassador to the US Nazri Aziz said there is no change in his diplomatic status.

PETALING JAYA: Malaysian ambassador to the US Nazri Aziz has refuted a viral message on social media alleging that the US State Department has brought down his hierarchy of diplomatic importance following Malaysia’s refusal to recognise Hamas as a terrorist organisation.

“No, it’s not true and, more importantly, I have not felt so. Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has also not been disinvited to the Apec (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) conference in San Francisco (next week).

“In fact, during the recent US State Department briefing for the Apec summit, the Philippines ambassador and I were the only ones from Asean who were present,” he told FMT in a WhatsApp message.

Nazri was asked to comment on a message on social media claiming that he and his embassy’s protocol hierarchy has been reduced by four levels while its neighbours Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam remain where they were.

The message from an unknown source said that from now, Nazri’s direct liaison official will be the desk director in charge of Asean at the State Department and not the assistant secretary of state for the Far East and Asean affairs.

Anwar revealed last week that despite Malaysia receiving three “demarches”, or diplomatic notices, from the US embassy on the country’s position on the Israel-Palestine conflict, Malaysia will not recognise Hamas as a terrorist organisation.

On claims that the downgrade would make application for US visas considerably harder, Nazri said it could not be true as 15 Malaysians from Universiti Sains Malaysia and the Bumiputera Agenda Steering Unit who visited him a few days ago had no problems in obtaining their visas.

“Anyway, you need to ask the US embassy in Kuala Lumpur for the latest status on visa applications. Even if it’s true, it is a small sacrifice for Malaysians to make compared to the Palestinian children and the elderly who have lost their lives,” he said.


  1. It's the unwritten diplomatic protocol in Washington.

    Nazi obviously don't know shit about the unwritten aspects of his job.
    There is roughly a 5-tier protocol , ranging from America's closest allies to unfriendly opponents of America.

    Malaysia just got downgraded from a non-ally friendly country into "Don't Care" category.

    There is a real risk Trade and FDI from US companies will get affected. Even though these are mainly economic decisions, the days when "Geopolitics don't Matter" are over.

    Look at the massive flight of Capital out from China, and the drought of new FDI .

    The Corporate Boards of Public Listed Companies, especially, pay attention to those countries relations with Washington, as potential sanctions can deeply impact their investments.

    1. Wow… u have Yankee insider contact!

    2. I have ex-Malaysian diplomatic corps contact, who ever served in the Malaysian Embassy in Washington.

    3. Yaloh, those old western dominancy schooled diplomats who couldn't fit seamlessly in a new modern changing world!

  2. Monsterball, who cares what the yankees say or do. Please grow up and not always defend the oppressors. The real world is changing even if you are still living under the tempurong, you have to admit the yankees are losing respect and power over the world as the days go by.

    1. I live in the real world of international export trade and FDI, not keyboard idiots like Bruno who just watch YouTube videos about "American decline".

      Every morning , in Penang, hundreds of thousands of Malaysians go to work in industries and various companies that are directly or indirectly linked to American Trade and FDI.

      I can easily name you the major ones ..Intel, Plexus, Western Digital, Jabil, Motorola, Sanmina, Flextronics (Singaporean but heavily linked to US trade), Keysight, Broadcom , Micron, Infineon (German but heavily linked to US trade), LAM Research,.etc. etc.

      Penang is Malaysia's hi-tech manufacturing export powerhouse..Billions and Billions of Dollars of Exports.. and contributes a major amount of taxes that help feed all the Bumiputera "special rights".

      Madani wants to Eff the Americans because of Palestine ?

      Think carefully before you Eff the Yanks..

  3. This know-nothing mfer is beyong any form of avuncularing.

    It inherited its passed old for form's stupidity & demoNcratic arrogance.

    Drag it to the mud pool & let it drowning itself!

  4. Every even minded people except Monsterball knows that the rest of the world have moved on without the never ending war mongering Wongkees. When one is living under the coconut shell, like the denture choking Monsterball, he never realized that some of the companies have moved on too. Many of them are downsizing and have migrated to the neighboring countries because of cheaper labor costs. Talk as much as he wants, he is just a shadow of Monsterball Sr.

    He should google about what Henry Kissinger said about the Wonkees.
    It is dangerous to be an enemy of the Wongkees, but it is fatal to be an ally of the Wongkees.

    1. That mfer is talking about the Yankee industries that tied tightly within its inherited supply chain for its heirloom survival.
