Sunday, November 19, 2023

No plot to oust Chow, says Loke


No plot to oust Chow, says Loke

DAP secretary-general Loke Siew Fook refutes allegations of behind-the-scenes party manoeuvring to force the Penang chief minister out.

DAP secretary-general Loke Siew Fook (centre) and Penang party leaders at the state DAP’s 2023 annual convention in George Town today.

GEORGE TOWN: DAP secretary-general Loke Siew Fook says there has never been any attempt to oust party vice-chairman Chow Kon Yeow as the chief minister of Penang and that there will be no such attempt taking place from within the party.

Speaking at Penang DAP’s 2023 annual convention here today, Loke reiterated that he, party chairman Lim Guan Eng and the central executive committee have backed Chow to continue leading the Penang government in his second term.

He also said DAP has an unwavering view that Chow will see out a successful second term in office.

“Don’t trust the rumours, there is no move to replace Chow as there is no more Gerakan in Penang,” Loke said in an apparent jab at the Perikatan Nasional component party that had previously led the state for more than four decades.

“So, to Chow, don’t listen to all these kinds of rumours. All these (rumours) are rubbish.”

Loke also said Chow’s second term is guaranteed thanks to the two-term limit law passed in 2018.

Last month, Chow claimed there was an apparent move to oust him as chief minister. He said there were people within and outside the party who wanted to “defeat” him.

Lim then urged Chow to furnish proof of the alleged plot. Chow subsequently backtracked on his claim, saying he merely spoke about how things were before the recent state election.

‘Prepare your successor’

Later, at a press conference, Loke said Chow needs to look for his successor, adding that “there should be no vacuum left” in the Penang DAP leadership.

He said Chow could not afford to wait till the dissolution of the state assembly to come up with a succession plan.

“He and the party leadership have to look out for his successor together.

“We need to look at who has the potential, qualifications and performance, so these four years will be the assessment (period).

“He could be from the current (batch of) elected representatives or an outsider,” he said.

On a separate matter, Loke said Chow is ready to answer all questions on Penang governance during the state assembly meeting starting tomorrow, and called on all backbenchers to ready their questions.

The chief minister’s preparedness is necessary to safeguard the integrity of the state government, Loke added.

1 comment:

  1. Of course Loke would say that.
    But he's not the real Top power in DAP.
