Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Loopholes in anti-hopping law: The damning proof that our parliamentarians are truly deplorable

Loopholes in anti-hopping law: The damning proof that our parliamentarians are truly deplorable

By Nehru Sathiamoorthy

WE MIGHT have always suspected that our parliamentarians are not the Yang Berhormat that they are styled to be – from their antics in the Dewan Rakyat, we can see often see that it is not the jewel of humanity that we have assembled in our parliament house.

The recent revelation by former law minister Tan Sri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar is telling us just how deplorable our parliamentarians actually are.

According to the now Dewan Negara president, our parliamentarians were always aware of the loophole that exists in the anti-hopping law which allows a parliamentarian to support the opposing side while still remaining on their own side.

In other words, all our parliamentarians were aware from day one that there exists a loophole in the anti-hopping bill which – if exploited – will render the entire anti hopping exercise moot.

That that loophole can be exploited in a way that will render the entire anti hopping law moot has also been clearly demonstrated by the move of four opposition MP’s (from Bersatu) who have declared support to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s government while remaining in the opposition fold.

Despite knowing that the loophole exists and can be exploited, all our parliamentarian – for a reason that only they and God almighty know – bizarrely chose to do nothing about it and just pass the anti-hopping bill.


It is unbelievable how miserable the lot that we call Yang berhormat must be that not even one of them pointed out the gaping flaw in the bill.

We have 222 MPs but not even one of them pointed it out. The worst part of it is that a whole bunch of these miserable lot would dare parade the passing of this good for nothing bill as if it is some sort of major success on their part.

Their incompetence is so deplorable that even if we had taken their entire salary and burnt it away, it might be more worth it than giving it to them.

Burnt at the right time, at least the money could have served as a hell note to our ancestors but what is the point of giving these lot a salary when not even one in 222 of them possess even the minimum ability of noticing an elephant even if you place it right under their nose!

Our MPs are so incompetent that if they were a bus driver, they would probably kill all the passengers by driving the bus off the ledge – simply by pretending not to see the ledge or any warning about the ledge – merely because they hope that the ledge will not appear if they pretend hard enough not to see it.

Pic credit: Geethanjali Kids (Rhymes and Stories) via YouTube

An ostrich that buries its head in the sand to ignore the problems around it cannot carry a candle to our MP’s.

In the fairy tale “The Emperor New Clothes”, an entire town will pretend that their emperor is wearing the finest cloth that they have ever seen although their emperor is actually stark naked.

If that town really existed, our parliamentarians would probably serve as their role model. – Nov 14, 2023

Nehru Sathiamorthy is a roving tutor who loves politics, philosophy and psychology.

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