Saturday, November 18, 2023

Clip shows laundromat with separate washing machines for Muslims, non-Muslims

Clip shows laundromat with separate washing machines for Muslims, non-Muslims

Netizens express outrage, recall similar practice in 2017 that received reprimand from Johor sultan

Netizens have expressed outrage after a laundromat in the country allegedly put up signages designating separate washing machines for Muslims and non-Muslims. – Screen grab pic, November 18, 2023

NETIZENS have expressed outrage after a laundromat in the country allegedly put up signages designating separate washing machines for Muslims and non-Muslims.

Labelling the move as a step backwards in enhancing greater unity in the country, netizens reminded the laundry of a similar incident in 2017.

Back then, Johor ruler Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar ordered a Muslim-only laundry to stop the discriminatory practice, saying it was embarrassing and against his inclusive vision of a Bangsa Johor.

Sultan Ibrahim said such “nonsense” was unacceptable, and told the laundry operator that he must either comply or risk enforced closure.

“This is not a Taliban state and as the head of Islam in Johor, I find this action to be totally unacceptable as this is extremist in nature,” he had said.

“I want the owner to apologise to me and the people of Johor. He has made Johoreans very angry and embarrassed because this is not the Johor we want.”

The recent video, which quickly went viral on TikTok, sparked debate among netizens about mutual respect among the races and the need for greater understanding. – The Vibes, November 17, 2023


  1. It's perfectly logical... Chinabeng clothes stained with pork lard should not be allowed to contaminate machines used to wash clothes of pious Muslims...

    Anyway, my annual tax payments are , strictly speaking Haram, contaminated by earnings from exports to the hated Wankeeland , and even a bit of Yisrael trade...
    Muslims should avoid benefiting from such contaminated funds.

  2. Some people just don't want their clothes to be contaminated with discharges from underneath the foreskins.
