Thursday, May 11, 2023

Don’t spare the rod on Hadi, sue him for inciting racial and religious tensions

Don’t spare the rod on Hadi, sue him for inciting racial and religious tensions

THE Malaysian Indian Voice (MIV) – a HINDRAF (Hindu Rights Action Force) splinter group – wants the unity government of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to take drastic action against PAS president Tan Sri Hadi Awang who continued to sow hatred by claiming that the Malays are incessantly being deceived by corrupt non-Muslims.

Describing such remarks as “unacceptable and dangerous”, MIV’s founder & advisor Papparaidu Veraman said Hadi’s call for Malays to unite as a race and the insinuation that they are being conned is divisive and can potentially harm the country’s social fabric.

“It is deeply concerning that a leader of a political party would use such language to gain cheap publicity and political advantage,” he pointed out in a media statement. “The Malaysian government must take action to prevent such harmful remarks from being made in the future by anyone in this country.”

Firstly, Papparaidu called on the Home Ministry to publicly condemn Hadi’s statement and reprimand him by highlighting the importance of unity and inclusivity in building a cohesive society.

“Such divisive rhetoric has no place in a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country like Malaysia,” he asserted.

Papparaidu Veraman

Secondly, the government should also consider taking legal action against the Marang MP given his hate speech and provocation of racial or religious tensions are not protected under freedom of speech and should not be tolerated in any form.

“The government should send a clear message that such behaviour will not be tolerated and that those who engage in it in similar behaviour will face consequences,” insisted Papparaidu who is also the assistant organisational secretary to DAP Selangor.

“My question to Hadi is what you have done for these poor Malays when you were in the government and how much investment that you have brought home from the Middle East during your tenure as the prime minister’s (PM) special envoy to the Middle East.”

Papparaidu further urged the government to increase its engagement with civil society organisations and religious leaders to promote inter-faith dialogue and understanding.

“This will help to counter the divisive rhetoric of individuals like Hadi and promote a more inclusive and united Malaysia,” he stressed. “All religions should foster unity and harmony instead of spewing hate speech like what Hadi and certain groups of people are doing now because they no longer have power in Putrajaya.” – May 10, 2023


  1. Hadi has complete immunity.

    Just look at all the outrageous and intolerable statements he has made me, Race and Religion stirring, over the years, with no consequences. All enforcement agencies are afraid of him.

  2. Yes..take legal action against the race rouser but who would dare?

    As it is, no Sultans dare confront him directly. Hadi happily contradicts and defy royalty including the Agong but nobody dares touch him.
