Saturday, May 20, 2023

Brader, What Has Hijacked Your Mind, Which Has Already Hit Bottom


Friday, May 19, 2023

Brader, What Has Hijacked Your Mind, Which Has Already Hit Bottom


Lets begin with education, the idea of the boarding schools or sekolah asrama penuh. 

Over 50 years ago some people saw that the average Malay child living in the rural and village environment which had always been mired in poverty, backwardness, culturally challenged thought processes and a non-competitive and non-scientific religion would have a better chance at education, social progress, scientific advancement and just be a more contemporary human being IF the Malay kids were excised (surgically removed) from the debilitating environment of the kampongs and the rural areas and placed in a more sanitised environment of the boarding schools.

Not only was the lingua franca of the boarding schools English (a huge mothership of knowledge, experiences, learning, questioning and just thinking) but the teachers themselves were Englishmen. Or also other Malaysians like Chinese and Indians who were obviously different from the family, teachers and friends in the home and village environments that all Malay children knew. Not to be forgotten the  hugely successful  missionary school systems (the Methodist schools, the ACS schools, the convents, the "high" schools) in the country.

So the boarding schools and the other English medium schools provided an environment quite sanitised from the village and the rural areas to introduce Malay children to the real world outside.  

50 years later things have gone quite the other way.  The debilitating environment, culturally challenged thought processes,  non-scientific religion and all the negatives associated with the village and the rural home have crept into the main stream schools and into the boarding schools. The entire education system is no more scientific, progressive or even relevant to the contemporary surroundings. 

And bear in mind that this is the 21st century. Fake news, fake global warming, fake woke is vogue among the has-beens. They are the sun-setters. The sun is rising in the east. Correction : the sun has risen in the east. 

The Islamic countries have collapsed and are now entering the second phase of their collapse - ie total collapse. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kelantanistan, the Middle East mental asylums are now "grappling" with basics like drinking water, bread and food. They can forget about more complicated concepts like job creation.  Job creation has now become 'higher order thinking' which they just do not seem capable of. In China and the east job creation has become second nature. There are jobs everywhere. 

All this failure is caused by one thing and one thing alone. The lack of freedom to speak, question, criticise and discuss their dearly held, baby pacifiers - religion, tribe or race and rulers / kings. 

Religion sits on top of the organic heap. Correction : the religious establishment sits on top of the pile. In all Islamic countries, including Malaysia, the religious gatekeepers are protected by the law. What a fantastic guarantee of job security. If you dont like my job, you will be thrown into jail.

I wish my wife and I had had the same type of job protection in our jewellery business. 'If you dont come into my shop and buy some gold I will throw you in jail'.  That would have been simply fantastic for our business.

But alas we had no such job protection. We had to do things the old fashioned way. Get up in the morning, go to work, tend to our business, come home, cook, eat and sleep. Plus taking care of our children and our household.

In ALL Islamic countries religion and its gatekeepers are "protected" by criminal punishment. If you question religion you can be jailed. If you disagree with the religious gatekeeper you can be jailed. This is the use of state sanctioned violence in religion.  It is still violence. Or, if you say anything 'unorthodox', village mobs can lynch you and kill you. 

Even in the 21st century Islamic countries. Violence is always lurking just below the skin. Just when that writer fellow thought that it was safe to appear in public again - 34 years after that fatwa - someone stabbed him 18 times, paralysing an arm and causing him to lose sight in one eye. 

What does this really mean? It means that you are not rational. You are NOT thinking people. Thinking is not part of your worldview.  Thinking is not part of your civilisation. That is what it means.

But way before that the clever beggars began taking advantage of the situation. The religious gatekeepers, the high and the mighty and the other crooks. They use religion for their political survival, to keep their greasy fingers inside the cookie jar and just for plain thievery. That Shia ayatollah who made that fatwa was a pure political animal. It was for his own political survival. 

The more their people cannot think the better it is for them. The easier it is for them to fool the people with their religious mumbo jumbo.

This is the dominant worldview among the Islamic countries and among Islamic societies. Simple, decent discussion without the threat of violence is not possible. The underlying foundation below any discussion is always violence - either state sanctioned violence or village mob violence.

In our country the Sedition Act is an archaic and pretty useless piece of legislation which should be thrown onto that organic heap. Also the criminal religious enactments (I hope it sounds right). These are the laws (not to forget Section 203 of the Multimedia Act) that need to be abolished to free the minds of the people. 

If you want to be slaves and stupid then these laws are for you. If you would like to leave the village and join contemporary society and join the real world, then get rid of these laws.  

This is how  your mind remains hijacked. This is a simple method to keep you down and poor. To make you an unthinking person.

The question is until when? How long will you like to be slaves and be kept stupid?

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