Thursday, April 14, 2022

Why pessimistic of Pakatan’s chances, “optimist” Kadir Jasin asks Nurul Izzah

Why pessimistic of Pakatan’s chances, “optimist” Kadir Jasin asks Nurul Izzah

WITH PKR MP Nurul Izzah Anwar predicting that Pakatan Harapan may need another two more general elections to retake Putrajaya, a former Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) leader questioned the former’s projection.

“Why is Nurul Izzah making such a bleak prediction of her coalition’s future? In fact, I’m more optimistic of Pakatan’s chances of retaking Putrajaya despite not being in any political party now.

“Personally, I’m more inclined to support Pakatan’s idealism which had brought the coalition to victory in 2018,” said Kadir Jasin, in a Facebook post.

In an interview with Sinar Harian, Nurul Izzah claimed that Pakatan would need at least 10 more years or two general elections before it can capture the Federal Government again.

She also predicted Pakatan to lose many parliament and state seats in the upcoming 15th General Election.

“It won’t be easy for Pakatan to win in the next polls and we have to be prepared to lose two more rounds before people accept us again. I’m being realistic here as we will need to rebrand and differentiate ourselves from the rest to succeed.

“It is because the people, myself included, are still traumatised over what happened when Pakatan was running the Government for 22 months,” the former PKR leader was reported as saying.

UMNO will turn M’sia into the next Sri Lanka

Touching on the matter, Kadir hoped that Nurul Izzah’s bleak forecast was nothing more than an expression of her frustration after Pakatan got betrayed in 2020.

The veteran newsman added he understood the PKR leader’s disappointment, given that she worked hard behind the scenes so as to ensure Pakatan’s victory in 2018.

“I have faith in leaders like Nurul Izzah, PKR vice president Rafizi Ramli, PKR secretary general Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail and several others in regaining public support for PKR and Pakatan. Don’t forget on how DAP has brought in new faces in its party polls recently,” he noted.

With that, Kadir said it would be unfortunate if Nurul Izzah’s prediction came true, which means that UMNO and the kleptocrats would make a full-fledged comeback to national politics.

“If that ever happens, don’t be surprised if Malaysia follows the trajectory Sri Lanka is in now,” he warned. – April 14, 2022

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