Thursday, April 14, 2022

Justice for Sam: over half a mil people sign [multi-racial] petitions for clerk’s release

Justice for Sam: over half a mil people sign petitions for clerk’s release

Justice must prevail despite bitterness, pain, says one petitioner

Sam Ke Ting, who was previously acquitted by the magistrates’ court, has been denied a stay of execution for her jail term, and was taken into custody immediately after her sentence was meted. – Bernama pic, April 14, 2022

KUALA LUMPUR – At least four online petitions have been initiated seeking justice and freedom for convicted clerk Sam Ke Ting, attracting more than 570,000 signatures.

Of the four petitions, one is addressed to the chief registrar of the Johor Baru High Court and another to the Court of Appeal.

One of the petitions was initiated by Centre of Integrity, Professional Governance and Advancement president Myocho Chan, who related his personal experience of also being involved in a fatal road accident.

Chan empathised with Sam, saying such incidents happen in a split second with no amount of alertness being able to curb an accident.

A petition by Muhammad Affin directed at the chief registrar said that the judgment against Sam must be led by facts and not emotions.

“I am truly deeply saddened by the loss of lives, and no matter what, a life lost cannot be resurrected. Family members of the victims will have to bear the loss for the rest of their lives.

“But this does not mean we can victimise someone else. Justice must prevail despite all bitterness and pain,” read the petition.

Meanwhile, a petition by Wan Junaida addressed to the appellate court said Sam should not be faulted for the incident that happened on a quiet stretch of highway in the wee hours of the morning involving illegally modified bicycles.

“We the people of Malaysia are horrified with the latest punishment meted out to Sam, despite supporting facts showing she was a responsible driver. She is the real victim in this incident.

“The parents of these future ‘mat rempits’ failed at parenting when they allowed their children to loiter on roads with their modified bicycles, or basikal lajak, at three in the morning.

“We will not accept this judgment, and urge for the sentence to be annulled, so that it does not rob this young Malaysian, who is not at fault, of a bright future,” read Wan’s petition.

A fourth petition by one Dinesh Punj also sought for similar things, and for Sam to be freed.

Sam yesterday was sentenced by the Johor Baru High Court to six years’ jail and a fine of RM6,000 after she was found guilty of reckless driving causing the death of eight teenage cyclists five years ago.

The 27-year-old clerk, who was previously acquitted by the magistrates’ court, was also denied a stay of execution by judge Datuk Abu Bakar Katar for her jail term, and was taken into custody immediately after her sentence was meted.

She was also disqualified from driving for three years and must serve another six months in jail if she fails to pay the fine. – The Vibes, April 14, 2022

1 comment:

  1. It is good to read the signatories come from all races...that is the true Malaysia that we have all longed for.
