Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Invincible Hatred keeps an Old Man alive

Personal attacks are ancient politics, says Najib

Najib Razak says the opposition has not learned from its past mistakes.

PETALING JAYA: Former prime minister Najib Razak says the opposition has not learned from its mistakes in the previous two state elections by continuing to launch personal attacks against him.

He also said the opposition was running out of ideas by using the same tactics.

“They have not learned from their mistakes. In every by-election, they have used the same tactics, seven times in a row, and yet they still lost. They lost in Melaka and Sarawak as well.

“In Johor, they are doing the same thing. They lack ideas, and these personal attacks are ancient politics,” he said in a live interview with Malaysia Gazette.

Najib has been the target of the opposition during the Johor state elections campaign over the 1MDB affair and subsequent court cases.

In a posting earlier today, he had asked his Facebook followers to identify a politician who was obsessed with him. “Four letters to Johor voters: Najib, Najib, Najib. Every Johor election talk: Najib, Najib, Najib. Debate on the royal address in Parliament earlier: Najib, Najib, Najib. Then he denies he is obsessed. Who is he?”

In the live interview, the former prime minister said politicians must show respect for one another instead of constantly making personal attacks.

“It’s a new age, let’s respect each other. Use your ingenuity or wisdom to tell voters what are the new programmes being implemented. Give them confidence and this will not confuse the voters in Johor any more,” he said.

1 comment:

  1. wakakaka, this is one strategy atuk must have learned from ktemoc's blog that goes on and on about atuk wakakaka

    the boss is getting annoyed with the attention and reminders wakakaka

    too bad, malaysians mudah lupa, so they need reminding wakakaka
