Sunday, January 02, 2022

Tony Blair receiving knighthood is as bad as "Someone" being awarded a Tun-ship

Guardian (Aus):

Speaker defends Tony Blair knighthood after backlash

Critics say legacy of 2003 Iraq invasion makes former PM unsuitable for Queen’s highest honour

Tony Blair has been given the most senior knighthood in the new year honours. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA

The former Labour prime minister Tony Blair’s ennoblement this weekend, courtesy of the Queen, has been defended by the Speaker of the House of Commons, Sir Lindsay Hoyle.

Sir Tony, rather than Sir Anthony, as he is now known, has been made a Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, 14 years after leaving Downing Street. But the honour has been criticised by Blair’s political opponents and those who argue the legacy of his invasion of Iraq in 2003 makes him unsuitable.

Speaking on Saturday morning Hoyle said he felt the honour, the oldest and most senior British order of chivalry, was “a fitting tribute” for a former prime minister, although he felt it was not a political decision.

“Whatever people might think, it is one of the toughest jobs in the world,” the Speaker said, “and I think it is respectful and it is the right thing to do, whether it is Sir David Cameron. They should all be offered that knighthood when they finish as prime minister.”

Hoyle was talking to Today programme presenter Martha Kearney on BBC Radio 4 when he was asked if he believed all recent former prime ministers should now be knighted.

“If you have been prime minister of this country, I do believe the country should recognise the service given. Absolutely. You finish in the office and when you’ve finished it is the respect that we give to those prime ministers,” he replied.

Most attacks on the monarch’s appointment of Blair to the order, membership of which was also given on Saturday to Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and to the former Labour cabinet member Lady Amos, the first black person to be honoured this way, have come from the political left, but were picked up by right-leaning media, including the Daily Mail. The newspaper said there had been backlash, quoting satirical tweets from the veteran investigative journalist John Pilger and from former MP George Galloway.

Appointments to this ceremonial order are made without prime ministerial advice and are usually announced on St George’s Day, on 23 April. Founded in 1348 by Edward III, it is the oldest and most senior British Order of Chivalry and a recognition of significant public service. Sir John Major, Blair’s predecessor, was the last to receive the honour.

“It is not about politics. It is about the position they have held in this country and it’s the respect that we show to those and it is a fitting tribute,” said Hoyle.


  1. Objectively, Tony Blair made tremendous contributions to Britain during his tenure as Prime Minister.

    The Iraq controversy is not the Be All and End All issue to obliterate all his other lifetime contributions to Britain.

    1. Millions of innocent Iraqis died, including 500,000 children for which that old cow Madeline Not All-Bright having declared that " it was worth it", the country in total shambles, millions displaced, becoming refugees....and this Monster here had the audacity to even dismissively say it is 'not the be all and end all issue'...fuck you, Monster!

  2. Kudos to John Pilger and George Galloway for speaking out against that shameless Blair and the hypocrisy of this 'ennoblement'...there's absolutely nothing noble about being part of the criminal gang which illegally invaded a country based on fabricated lies ! He ought to be brought to the ICC for his crime, instead of which poor Assange is now to be extradited to the US, to possibly face jail time of 175

    George Galloway in this remarkable interview talk revealed incredible stuff which many are totally in the dark about, because the Western MSM in its so-called lauded "transparent and fair reporting", apparently have a tacit agreement among themselves to give this topic a blanket 'black out', except for the barest reporting.

    As one comment said about this Galloway talk..." the facts are Extraordinary and Frightening" and another said " this is gangster and criminal ruling class". Watch this :

  3. Under the unspoken western demoNcratic dogma there r no other human race but Caucasian, with the WASP occupying that top echelon.

    Hence the deaths, sufferings &/or misfortunes of those nonhuman, cause by these mfers r just pure unfortunately collateral damages for the good of the 'human' race!

    This is HOW Tony Blair is judged to have made tremendous contributions to Britain during his tenure as Prime Minister.
