Saturday, January 01, 2022

Still "Silence" from PM on allegations of corruption against MACC Head

Our dear "Authorities" are obviously dragging their heels against investigating MACC chief Azam Baki and his alleged large stake in a public listed company.


MACC uproar: Why have Azam and Ismail Sabri not spoken up? – Terence Gomez

'There appears to be a clear attempt to prevent an investigation into this matter'

I am appalled that Borhan Dolah has stated that I have a “political agenda” in my call for an investigation into allegations of impropriety involving Azam Baki, the chief commissioner of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.

As a member of the MACC’s consultation and corruption prevention panel, I was duty-bound to act when these allegations were brought to my attention. Borhan should do the same.

I see Borhan’s persistent scurrilous attempts to discredit me as an attempt to distract attention from an investigation into Azam’s business-related activities.

Borhan only discredits himself as well as the office he holds, as chair of the consultation and corruption prevention panel, by desisting an open investigation of these allegations made against Azam.

Rather than deal with Borhan, I want to move on by raising two questions.

First, why has Azam Baki not responded publicly to the serious allegations made against him. Is he not aware that his silence on this matter suggests truth to these allegations?

Second, why has Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob not spoken publicly on these allegations against Azam, even though they were raised in Parliament?

Since there appears to be a clear attempt to prevent an investigation into this matter by the people appointed by the Prime Minister’s Office to protect the integrity of the MACC, what is Ismail Sabri’s response to this matter?

1 comment:

  1. Silence is golden. In the case of Malaysia, remaining silent means praying hard that the rakyat will ignore this matter.

    At the aame time, hoping for a big event to distract from this case.

    At the moment, the only likely event is Mahathir dying. Desmond Tutu died at 90 while Betty White, at 99. So, Mahathir at 96 falls within that age group.
