Sunday, January 02, 2022

Sending Malaysian 'maids' to other countries may be sooner than later

T'ganu PAS flayed for 'competing with Bangladesh'

Terengganu Amanah has accused the state government of attempting to solve unemployment in the state by sending locals to work in factories in other states.

In a statement today, Terengganu Amanah chief Raja Kamarul Bahrin Shah Raja Ahmad (above) said the state government had recently organised an official "send-off" for a group of locals to work in an electronics factory in Selangor.

Exco member Alias Razak remarked that the jobs placement scheme was the efforts of the Terengganu Human Resources Development Centre (THRDC) in reducing unemployment in the state.

For Raja Kamarul, outsourcing labour was the wrong approach towards resolving unemployment as the problem in the state has roots in a lack of investments.

Investors, he said, are not attracted by moral policing measures, which he claimed was the preoccupation of the Terengganu government instead of economic development.

"Although Terengganu produces many good secondary school graduates, there are no efforts by the state government to nurture them.

"This forces them to seek employment in the Klang Valley, which is administered by Pakatan Harapan.

"If the state government continues such policies, Terengganu will be a 'stiff competition to Bangladesh' as an exporter of labour, albeit domestically," said Raja Kamarul.

He also accused the state government of appointing PAS members from other states to sit on GLC boards.

"It is as though there aren't enough people from Terengganu who are qualified for such positions," said Raja Kamarul.

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