Sunday, October 04, 2020

Dirty Trump

This piece of news was published on 18 Sept 2020


  1. You call this news ?
    It's just a rant by any number of deranged Zombies .
    Perhaps you are one of them ?

  2. Funny the article is in an English media/website but the date is in Chinese!!!

    1. The Chinese origins of that post indicates it is part of the world-wide China propaganda campaign to undermine the United States.
      China is free to utilise Western social media against the USA, while all negative news about China is blocked by the Great CCP Tempurung.

    2. Must be a Huawei device.

    3. U guys know NUT about how the Chinese firewall works.

      Thus the fart that stinks to high heaven. But u guys r used to it, smell or otherwise!

      The original Twitter was launched in US by cammo in US, using an iPhone.

      KT's copy is a re-twitt using a Chinese mobile phone outside China!

      Keep farting, & make all sorts of China bashing conspiracies! U guys r doing fine, very fine, for Trump's reelection.


      Seem it wasn't Chinese origin!

      The question of the day, I digress, US of A alleged Huawei is a security risk, it still remains an allegation after 2 years, none from the 5 Eyes nor any advance western country such as Germany or for that matter, any country from the rest of the world such as Japan or Korea can uncover the 'back-door' todate, does that prove their technology is behind China?

    5. any communication equipment from an enemy is a security threat, ccp hv that choice.

      btw, y no more grandiose delusional of 5g? so tell us how china 5g make them advance? can buy kimchi n sushi from taobao n jd?

    6. No need to awaken sleep pretenders lah!

      By the time these mfers wake up, they wouldn't even know what G stands for.

      CCP has choice indeed! Hence no banning of the western high tech concoctions like iPhone.

      Debased iPhone backdoor Trojan is eating kacang putih that suits 高考 graduates. So no worry. Only paranoid know-nothings r willing to spread hp6 lies based on hp6 understanding of any technologies.

    7. dun kok tok ard the bush la, claim how usa jealous 5g, last i heard chip oso dun know how to make, no wonder wanna use force on twn, not only steal n copy, now wanna rob n seize.

    8. Wakakakakaka…

      5G protocol doesn't depends on HW. Thete r SW components that mfer, like u, can't fathom. Thus all the BS about not how to make chip! Did yr uncle Sam enticed u to fart so?

      Oooop… maybe the tasteless F&C that yr auntie pommie is so famous so.

      Rob & seize?

      No need to waste time. No need to be merciful to a bunch of demoNcratized dickheads who have reached their limits. Any improvement will have to come from the motherland!

    9. CCP 5G boast has been exposed as Emperor without clothes.

      The Super CCP Chips turn out to be dependent on AmeriKKKan technology and Taiwan manufacturing.

      Without the AmeriKKKan technology and Taiwan manufacturing, Huawei 5G eat grass.

    10. my question is now china hv the most advance thing call 5g which american japs korean are far left behind, so tell us what this 5g can do or have done.

      i tell u one, the most obvious is the collection of data n surveillance to trace which zombie dare call emperor xi a dickhead, n put him 18 years in jail, or shut one up showing he use wechat to pay a escort, that all.

      n without all the american tech chip, ccp would revert to 1g so that all zombie can use back their nokia 3310 n motorola microtac.


    11. Fart stinking to high heaven & yet can't be smelled out by these mfers of the hopeless kind!

      "The Super CCP Chips turn out to be dependent on AmeriKKKan technology and Taiwan manufacturing"

      Do show where r the AmeriKKKan technology is been used in Huawei's Kirin chipset?

      If not bcoz of yr AmeriKKKan underarm twistings, China would has had her own chip manufacturing factories by NOW.

      Old moneyed mfer, goes & rereads yr oft-chanted demoNcratic doctrines about fair competitions lah.

      Or yr understanding of that doctrines is EVERYTHING is fair when yr uncle Sam is in lead. Otherwise, go eat grass.


      "the most obvious is the collection of data n surveillance"

      What a classic 犬养mfer demoNcratic fart!

      The easiest & most obvious answer is in the ability of China been able in curtailing the spread of current covid-19 pandemic!

      The people r out & enjoying life. The economy is recovering, both internally & externally.

      What about the rest of the world? Especially yr demoNcratic West.

      Ooop… count that f*cked Formosa out. The gimmicky play of no syndrome no test WOULDN'T be useful again when the next wave hits during the coming flu/covid-19 season in late Oct.

      Big data collected via 5G, ain't in the same class like those from the earlier G-generics.

      Almost instant lapsed time in search & matching, coupling with accurate trend projection proves conclusively that the China 5G is the major tool in saving lives!

      But what do u know! Just paranoid hypothetical CIA type of threats & deceives surveillance operations!

      Yr f*cked rant proves in total the depth of that fart filled well of yrs. Such that u r still stuck with no G surveillance & time dilated operative mechanism of the yesteryears!

      Many of a blurted mfers DOESN'T realize that the current US banning of chip imports, involving AmeriKKKan technologies (5% & more), only affect projected future COMMERCIAL operations.

      Those involved in the vital national interests have long been self-sufficient in quantity & quality.

      Thus, the current commercial usage & trend remain until yr uncle Sam catches up! Hopefully in ONE yr time frame.


      Tell u, mfers, a secret - yr uncle Sam wouldn't be able to unless his manufacturers r paying through their noses to Huawei/ZTE for 5G copyrighted usages!

      Huawei holds 19% share of standard-essential patents (or SEPs), versus 15% for Samsung, 14% for LG, 12% for each of Nokia and Qualcomm and just 9% for Ericsson. ZTE too has about 15% of the SEPs, making the Chinese controlling more than 35% in total & the percentage is still increasing!

      When the China homegrown chipset manufacturing facilities matured within 2 yrs time, all yr dreamed farts will turn into dragged ghoulish nightmares!

      But to u, f*cked kataks under that fart filled well, lives go on as in many of yr unchallenging pasts. Deep well WON'T be influenced/affected may.

      Furthermore, who wants to disturb a group of bodoh sombong & yet syiok sensitive kataks cloaking their China bashing chorus.

    12. homegrown? china is no1 in homegrown syntactic product, for eg syntactic insulin, syntatic egg, syntatic milk etc etc, anything copy from original ccp china no1.

    13. To u two mfers,

      The Saker is a techie blog by an industrial insider.

      Eat yr heart out & keep showcasing yr know-nothing fart. Let yr monkey shows continue. Otherwise many self-isolating homebound people WOULD be bored to dead!

  3. The crux of the matter is that Trump lies the moment he opens his mouth, so much so that even when he occasionally tells the truth when he thinks the truth benefited him, no one believes him...boy crying wolf situation...he shot himself in the foot in this trustworthiness perception, that's why his coming down with Covid19 has more than half the world skeptical.

    Anyway, whether he gets to sit in the Oval Office from November onward or Biden beats him to it, the huge sign on the wall is that AmeriKKKa is on the way down...the imperialist empire is dying, as Vladimir Putin, the Russian Premier alluded to at a recent economic forum, as quoted here :

    " We know year by year what's going to happen and they know that too. It's only you that they tell tall tales, and you buy it and spread to the citizens of your countries. You people, in turn, do not sense of the impending danger - this is what worries me. How do you understand that the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction, while they pretend nothing is going on? I don't know how to get through to you anymore."

    This must-watch video from Renegade Inc tells it as it is :

  4. "An empire is at its most dangerous when it’s failing. With less and less to lose it continues to try to do the impossible by doubling down on past mistakes.

    But history tells us that empires fall from within. If so, technically how does a modern empire meet its inevitable fate?

    Author Charlie Robinson joins host Ross Ashcroft to discuss the fall of the American Empire."

  5. Note that date in Chinese!

    The original:

    Trump’s October surprise will be the announcement of “his infection.” Fake, but quite dramatic. This twist will blow Biden off the screens, the “Trump COVID watch” dominating every minute of every day. Then, 14 days later, Trump will emerge, 100% cured by hydroxychloroquine.
    3:51 PM · Sep 18, 2020

    The IgNobel award for science must go to John Cammo, who predicted a whole two weeks before Trump tested positive.

    Wakakakakaka… maybe that 台毒 bitch has 'gamefully' adviced Trump's Taiwan visiting abettors to ask the potus to take a page out from 陈水扁's bullet shooting theatrical play for his reelection.

  6. Replies
    1. See WHAT fart filled dwelling kataks do to the covid-19 conspiracy!

      Even the chief instigator is f*cked by his own trick!

    2. Batty masih lagi obsessed with bats ? How's the bat soup ? hehehehe

  7. I believe China will not need to fire a single bullet and Taiwan will be return to her motherland voluntarily. It is just a matter of time wakakakaka ............

    1. base on deng prediction (or delusion), china would one day be as strong as usa whereby many wanna join the federation, or in chinese term, return to n embrace the motherland.

      but now it seem if given a choice under emperor xi, everybody want to leave or refuse to return, only ccp zombie continue to fantasies a xi china dream.

    2. Soon… SOoner… SOONEST than the fart leaking out from the f*cked island!
