And they weren't as well when Lim GE was threatened and harassed during his visits to kampungs or even in town.
Malaysiakini - Cops on the hunt for 'new flag' advocates
Those cops prefer to hunt down youngsters for their exuberant but harmless demos during a national holiday instead of going after real criminals who have been threatening and hurting citizens, or at least providing security for Selangor's National Day celebrations.
Malaysiakini - CM: So, how about Perkasa burning my photo? asked Lim Guan Eng in response to Home Minister Hishamuddin's voiced intention to take action against those who moon-ed and stepped on Najib and Rosmah Mansoh's photos.
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malaysiakini photo |
Malaysiakini just reported those brave police have apprehended the luckless 19-year old student (while less lucky with hardened criminals who waylaid females at supermarket shopping lots).
Police are considering action under Section 509 of the Penal Code (regarding a word or gesture intended to insult the modesty of a person). The sentence on conviction could be 5 years jail and/or a fine ...
... Meanwhile in sunny Malaysia it has been reported that two adult rapists who had sex with two under-age girls (13 and 12) were released by the courts on bonds because they did not used force and those under-age girls had consented to the sex.
Back to the case to be investigated under Section 509 of the Penal Code - hmmm, perhaps it was the mooning that agitated Hisham wakakaka.
But it's obvious he wasn't so excited by old soldiers doing the same at Ambiga Sreenevasan's house - maybe then, those were old arses? Talking about arses, really, Hisham should know himself.
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in front of Ambiga's house |
Nor is he regarding Perkasa's burning of Lim GE's photo. Could it be that Hisham thinks it's not at all a gesture insulting the modesty of the Chief Minister of Penang?
If he is looking for words intended to insult the modesty of Chief Minister Lim GE, what about 'Cina Babi', 'Penang Cina Bodoh' and 'Babi Sokong Lim Guan Eng Ketua Menteri' hurled at Guan Eng during his speech at the Himpunan Hinjau 2.0 rally in February this year?
OTOH, if Hisham insists on gestures rather than words, what about the Hindu funeral rites for Lim outside his personal residence on Jalan Pinhorn to symbolise Lim's death?
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malaysiakini photo |
Malaysiakini - Karpal appeals court dismissal of bid to subpoena Dr M
AG prosecutes Karpal for sedition while letting UMNO including Dr Mahathir get away with more than one case of very overt demonstrations of lèse-majesté. Naturally our remarkable courts dismissed Karpal's notice of motion to drop those charges, and also dismissed his attempt to subpoena totally-protected Dr Mahathir as a witness.
And let's not forget the late Teoh Beng Hock and the late Ahmad Sarbini Mohamed, both killed at a MACC building, and many others at police stations like Kugan, Udayappan, etc - all without justice being meted out.
These are the worst kind of corruption in Malaysia where the cops, MACC and civil servants believe they are the employees of a political party rather than the servants of the Malaysian public. They harass any opposition to UMNO while ignoring real criminals.
And we taxpayers pay their salaries!
aikks, ktemoc the stupid didnt blame DSAI and PKR for this also?
ReplyDeleteHow come??
Trying to burnish his 'opposition' credentials izit?
Rubbish !
What can we do ?
ReplyDeleteThe majority seems very comfortable with Barisan Najib ruling indefinitely.
They get deliriously grateful upon receiving RM 500, their one month bonus.
Recently I was working with a database (non-politically related) had some basic data on the demographics of a large number of Malaysia adults. Very interesting, but also shows how difficult the change journey wil be for Malaysia.
Of the Malays, 65% worked for the Government, another 20% worked for Government-linked companies, just 15% either worked in actual Private sector or were self-employed. The built-in BN vote bank is almost impregnable.
Of the Chinese, just 5% worked for the Government, another 5% worked for Government-linked companies, the rest 90% either worked in the Private sector or self-employed. No surprises why the Chinese community seems impervious to Najibnomics.
Indians, 30% Government sector, 20% Government linked companies, the rest Private sector or self-employed. Another large BN vote bank here, but not a sure as Malays.
This was a West-Malaysian data, so few "Others"
My application for Australian PR hopefully gets through in the next 2 months. I don't hold much hope for this country to change.
The Devil you know is almost always better than the Angel you don't know.
ReplyDeleteIn the case of Pakatan Rakyat, its very clear they are also Devils.
Why should we vote for another set of Devils ?
We should not forget the development which BN has brought throughout the country.
Sure, a few have been caught with their hands in the kitty, but don't throw the baby out together with the dirty bathwater.
The Devil you know is almost always better than the Angel you don't know.
ReplyDeleteIn the case of Pakatan Rakyat, its very clear they are also Devils.
Why should we vote for another set of Devils ?
We should not forget the development which BN has brought throughout the country.
Sure, a few have been caught with their hands in the kitty, but don't throw the baby out together with the dirty bathwater.
Dear Anon 5:52 PM,
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. Spot on re that statement.... "The built-in BN vote bank is almost impregnable" when basically 85% of the malays worked for the UMNO ( read Govt=Umno, Umno=Govt, heheheh).
Even with a change of gomen, a change of mindset for these feaudalist and medieval malays will take at the very least 30 to 40 years of the right kind of education to undo UMNO's deliberate policy to keep these people cloistered but well fed.
Best of luck with your journey in a better country.
When Civil Servants and those on Government Payroll live beyond their means and retire with bank accounts valued at more than the total emoluments that they received during their years in service then you know that something is rotten in the kingdom of Denmark.
ReplyDeleteSick,very sick one sided decisions by very sick Umnoputras.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, KT, why should the cops bother about providing security to Pakatan leaders.
ReplyDeleteThey are always condemning the men in blue. Nothing the police dud right, in their eyes.
You look into the welfare of onky those who value you.
Anyways the Pakatan goonies all have gangster like people surrounding them.
Seriously Buttercup you seem to have forgotten that the PDRM is a public body required, regardless, to serve all Malaysian citizens, and not the private guards of UMNO.
ReplyDeleteSeriously KT is a fan of LKS and son. Nothing wrong with that. We both share the same dislike towards Anwar.
ReplyDeleteThere you have the truth.
ReplyDeleteBoth hates Anwar and ktemoc is teaching all to vote on candidates and not for change.
BN broadcasters are from the same team with different strokes to help UMno win again.