Saturday, October 05, 2024

Siti Kasim: “Praise God for showing how the Madani gov’t has erred in bringing Palestinians to Malaysia”

Focus Malaysia:

Siti Kasim: “Praise God for showing how the Madani gov’t has erred in bringing Palestinians to Malaysia”

Editor’s Note: Palestinian ambassador to Malaysia Walid Abu Ali has apologised for the behaviour of two Palestinians who went on rampage at the Wisma Transit Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday (Oct 2).

Describing the incident as “isolated” and ‘shameful”, he told mainstream New Straits Times that the duo will be sent home to Gaza

He said the incident occurred due to emotional stress because they had been in the hospital for too long coupled with trauma from their war-torn country.

“TO be honest, God is great; God is showing us the real type of people they are for this is probably the reason why other Arab states refuse to house them.”

Such is the most touching yet spiritual statement from human rights activist Siti Kasim, alluding to Wednesday’s (Oct 2) rampage by some Palestinian women folks at their “posh, hotel-like” temporary accommodation in Wisma Transit Kuala Lumpur (WTKL).

Feeling vindicated after being accused as a Palestinian-hater for championing the call that “charity should always start from one’s own home”, the 61-year-old legal eagle expressed hope that the entire episode will serve as a valuable wake-up call for the Madani government.

“This is being politicised to ride on the Islamic image by eagerly wanting to help fellow Muslims (despite claims that assistance was rendered solely on humanitarian grounds),” she commented on her latest Facebook video.

“If you’re a true Muslim, you simply help fellow humans or even animals who are being insulted, abused or in difficulty without considering their race or religion.”

To re-cap, two Royal Malaysian Air Force Airbus A-400M airlifters flew in 127 Palestinian civilians on Aug 16 from Egypt to the RMAF Subang Airbase in a journey that lasted over 16 hours.

The Palestinians included 41 injured men, women and children, some as young as eight months as well as their kins and relatives.

KEKECOHAN DAN AMUKAN WARGA PALESTIN DI WISMA TRANSIT KUALA LUMPUR* Pada 02 Okt 24 jam lebih kurang jam 1815, terdapat beberapa Warga Palestin yang menginap di Wisma Transit Kuala Lumpur telah membuat kekecohan dan amukan atas dasar tidakkepuasan hati.
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Ultimately, Siti Kasim stressed the need for a mindset change in that Malaysia must learn from history that Arab countries themselves refused to house the Palestinians for they are well aware of the behaviour of these people.

“When I watched damages at their posh WTKL dwelling, my first impression was that God wanted to show the Madani government that our criticism that charity should start from home was valid in the first place,” she asserted.

“Hello, you’re not here on holiday … I don’t think you can just go to live out outside as you wish … Obviously, not all behave in such a manner but how do we know which is the good one or bad one … this is cultural.”

Recalling how brickbats of sorts were hurled at her by pro-Madani backers as if she was so unsympathetic and rude (biadap) for ignoring the plight of Palestinians who are being tormented by the Zionist forces, the Orang Asli advocate added:

“Imagine our very own Orang Asli who are so gentle and kind are living in adverse conditions by being deprived of medical facilities or even chased out of their stolen land with no action from the Madani government.

“I’m privy to their numerous woes therefore it pains my heart to see the government of the day prioritising foreigners than our very own indigenous people … help your own people before you want to extend your help to others.”

Aside from Siti Kasim, pro-DAP social media influencer Thaqib Shaker has reacted to the ruckus by the so-called Palestinian ‘medical tourists’ and their kins at WTLK by urging the Madani government “to deport them home for they are already in the pink of health”. – Oct 5, 2024

1 comment:

  1. It's not too late to correct this mistake....send the recalcitrants home to Gaza.
