Monday, October 14, 2024

RM5 Million Seized in Safe House Raid, Source Points to XXXXX XXX’s Nephew

More than 10 years ago, RPK had highlighted the Selangor Sand Scandal. Then
 (2012), he exposed the State's sand mining scandal, revealing allegations of illegal mining, cronyism, and millions in lost state revenue. Despite the uproar, justice has been slow to materialize, with years of delay in addressing the corruption claims.

In 2017, Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) revisited the issue, emphasizing that the illegal activities were still ongoing, involving key political figures. The focus had shifted towards the then-State-Administration, raising concerns over how deeply political influences were entrenched in the scandal.

Though the years have passed, the case remains unresolved, and justice is still pending. But the sand mining issue is far from closed.

Today, while RPK might have left us, his blog continues to operate (presumably under the management of a member or members of his family). The latest "I told you so" a la RPK fashion is at:

Expose: RM5 Million Seized in Safe House Raid, Source Points to XXXXX XXX’s Nephew

While it may lack that special RPK touch-and-honour, it's still "juicy", wakakaka ... extracts of what the new post says are as follows:

The Road Ahead

What happens next will depend largely on the MACC’s ability to follow the money trail and uncover irrefutable evidence linking this cache of cash to any illicit activities. The former COO’s arrest may be imminent, but the real question is how much he is willing to reveal to protect himself—or whether he will take the fall to protect more prominent figures.

At this point, no official charges have been laid, and XXXXX XXX remains publicly untouched by these revelations. However, with RM5 million now under the scrutiny of the MACC, the pressure is mounting. If the investigators can establish a clear link between the seized money and political figures, this could unravel one of the most significant corruption scandals in recent memory.

The Malaysian public, weary of corruption and political maneuvering, deserves the truth. The MACC has a heavy responsibility to see this investigation through without bowing to external pressures. Whether or not they can deliver justice will be the true test of their integrity in a system that has too often shielded the powerful from accountability.

Stay tuned. This story is only just beginning.

Enjoy, wakakaka

Also read Malay Mail's:

MACC seizes RM5m after raiding safe house of prominent Selangor politician currently probed over corruption involving sand mining concession

Gold in the Sand
by Krista Katrovas

On days when life seems harsh,
like nothing is going our way,
when we feel that all we can do
is breathe,
it’s a, ---“Gold in the Sand,”--- kind of day.

We may feel beaten, worn,
unloved, unimportant,
forget that we are kind,
smart beings,
and this is when we must
dig deeper to find the gold,
the shiny within the dark.
It is when our lives
are most like that
of an archaeologists.

We return to the digging,
or like a Zen master,
we, “Chop wood and Carry water,
before and after enlightenment.”

We dig for gold,
sort out the sand
find blazing bits
of gold in there
enough to fill our hearts
or maybe place in reserve somewhere
for those days when others may need it,
or when we may be in need,
of finding
gold in the sand,
light in the dark.

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