Sunday, October 06, 2024

Ramasamy: Don’t dismiss the WTKL rampage as isolated; Madani gov’t must bear responsibility

Focus Malaysia:

Ramasamy: Don’t dismiss the WTKL rampage as isolated; Madani gov’t must bear responsibility

By Prof Ramasamy Palanisamy

MALAYSIA’S humanitarian assistance to the Palestinians is a noble and commendable effort but it must not be taken for granted or abused.

The current Madani government under Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has gone to great lengths to highlight the Palestinian cause on the international stage.

This includes offering medical assistance to injured Palestinians and facilitating the arrival of their families to Malaysia so they can be close to their loved ones.

This humanitarian outreach is praiseworthy – one can only hope that other nations will demonstrate similar compassion and empathy for the Palestinians who have been dispossessed of their homeland by Israeli aggression.

Despite the continued war between the Israeli state and the Palestinian forces led by Hamas, it remains unclear whether Israel with its advanced military capabilities can ultimately defeat the Palestinian quest for freedom.

While the West touts the two-state solution as a viable political outcome, the on-going Israeli offensive undermines the credibility of this proposal.

Complex struggle

Driven by domestic political concerns, the US appears reluctant to engage meaningfully in resolving the conflict. It often seems as though the superpower prefers to keep the Middle East conflict in a state of unresolved tension.

Meanwhile, the Arab world which could potentially play a unifying role in this issue remains too fractured to present a cohesive solution.

As the conflict drags on, it is the innocent civilians – especially women and children – who suffer the most as collateral damage.

Though being a committed ally to the Palestinian cause, Malaysia lacks the geopolitical influence to directly affect the course of the Middle East conflict.

Anwar may have close ties with Hamas leadership but these ties have limited diplomatic reach, especially given that Hamas is designated as a terrorist organisation by both the US and Europe.

This relationship may strain Anwar’s rapport with Western powers, hence reducing his influence in advocating for a political resolution.

Realistically, Malaysia’s role is limited to providing public statements of support and offering humanitarian aid such as medical assistance to injured civilians.

Critically, Malaysia’s humanitarian efforts are often viewed through the lens of religion. The fact that the majority of Palestinians are Muslims plays an important role in shaping the government’s policies.

However, it is important to note that the Palestinian struggle is not merely a religious issue but one that concerns the fight for an independent and dignified homeland.

This distinction is sometimes overlooked with Malaysia’s support for the Palestinian cause seen as disproportionately focused on the Muslim dimension without similar attention given to non-Muslim Palestinians, including Christian communities.

Political mileage

Domestically, Anwar’s strong support for the Palestinian cause might also be linked to his need to secure backing from the Malay Muslim electorate, among whom his political standing remains uncertain.

Whether this approach will yield the desired political gains within Malaysia is yet to be determined.

That said, the recent incident involving some Palestinian women folks at Wisma Transit Kuala Lumpur (WTKL) raises concerns about the potential abuse of the country’s humanitarian goodwill.

The riot/unrest sparked by lack of privileges casts a shadow over the assistance provided. While the incident may have been the work of a few individuals, it nevertheless calls into question the oversight and management of those aid recipients.

It is imperative that the government ensures that such actions do not undermine Malaysia’s humanitarian efforts.

Attempts to dismiss the incident as isolated are insufficient. The government must take responsibility and ensure that those receiving assistance understand the importance of respecting the hospitality and support extended to them.

Otherwise, this could set a dangerous precedent by discouraging future humanitarian initiatives both for the Palestinians and others in need.

Malaysia’s generosity should be upheld but it must also be safeguarded from being taken advantage of. Proper measures need to be in place to ensure that those benefiting from humanitarian aid honour the trust that has been placed in them. – Oct 6, 2024

Former DAP stalwart and Penang chief minister II Prof Ramasamy Palanisamy is chairman of the United Rights of Malaysian Party (Urimai) interim council.

1 comment:

  1. Malaysia must be generous to fellow Islamists.

    Nons must learn to STFU on any criticism, fact based or not.
