Sunday, October 20, 2024

New directive permitting military intervention in US domestic affairs

Murray Hunter

New directive permitting military intervention in US domestic affairs

US military now to assist domestic law enforcement authorities in domestic disturbances

Oct 20, 2024

The Biden administration has issued a directive one month before the US presidential election that will allow the US military to use lethal force against US citizens domestically.

The directive can be downloaded here.

This issuance applies to OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other organizational entities within the DoD.

Under section 1.k(3). the president, through the secretary of defense can bypass the congress in calling out the military. This is a very interesting directive at this time. This could have consequences upon;

· Right to protest: There are fears that expanded authority could suppress legitimate protests.
· Privacy rights: Increased military involvement in domestic intelligence gathering could infringe on privacy.
· Due process: The military’s role in law enforcement could bypass standard due process protections.
· Freedom of speech: The broad definition of “national security threats” could target individuals for their political beliefs.
· Civilian control: The expanded military role could erode civilian oversight of the military.

This directive has not been the basis of any assistance by the military in the current hurricane disaster in North Carolina to domestic authorities. It will be interesting to see why such a directive has been enacted now.


  1. Hahaha...finally, getting there...checkout also the law of war manual, revised this year.

    11.3 is the triggered. Can translate KC for King Charles or section 11.3 of the law of war obtainable from the DoD website...q stuffs coming up.

  2. Hahahaha...finally getting there...been a long time waiting

    When 11.3 first drop in the anon board, anons believed it was Nov 3, 2017, where Hilary Clinton will be under arrest...alas, it took all these years of speculating, going through many anxiety through many kinds of troubles that stretched the sanity.

    It took about 3 years before someone crack the riddle that one of the key post that relate to 11.3 could relate to DoD Law of War manual...

    The following post was a sampling of chatters from way back 2021 related to military intervention in domestic situation.

    But, as always, let's see what will happen...


    See post above ☝🏼 for reference

    Q: Proof to begin 11.3

    What if being done “by the book” meant an actual specific book. Like say the Law of War manual.

    DOD Law of WAR

    11.3 - End of Belligerent Occupation AND Duration of GC Obligations

    What if 11.3 already happened and we didn’t even know it?

    What if Washington DC was a sovereign city state - one of three in the world - with its own government, its own constitution, its own everything , entirely separate (yet appears to be the same) from the country it resides in
    >City of London
    >Vatican City
    >Washington DC

    What if, because of the Act of 1871, Washington DC was owned and controlled by foreign interests/groups?

    What if when Trump took office he filled his cabinet and surrounded himself with Military Generals for a very specific reason?

    What if Trump occupying the WH and Washington DC with US military on “foreign soil” was otherwise known as BELLIGERENT OCCUPATION?


    What if the Geneva Convention obligations of a peaceful transition has a 1 year timeline from the end of Belligerent Occupation?

    What if Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming because it’s ALREADY HABBENING and we are just playing it out in a slow drip for PUBLIC AWAKENING?

    What if In the end, we will be 'shocked' to learn what we’ve 'essentially' witnessed?

    What makes a movie GOOD?


    >>>>What if we all just witnessed Trump lead a military coup with military Generals for the last 4 years and didn’t even know it.

    Art of War
    Appear weak when you are strong.
    -Sun Tzu

    Tick tock
    2024 or before ???????????
    Enjoy the Show
    Page 769

  3. Another riddler riddles...


    President Donald Trump said Saturday he had spoken with Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli prime minister is not listening to President Joe Biden.

    Trump made the comments in front of a partisan rally crowd during a passage where he promised to restore the nation to a position of international influence and respect. 

    'Bibi called me today and he said, it's incredible. what's happened, they said it's pretty incredible. but he wouldn't listen to Biden, because if he did, they wouldn't be in this position,' he told thousands of supporters in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, using a nickname for the Israeli leader.

    'And I tell you what, they're in a much stronger position now than they were three months ago, that's for sure.

  4. Watch carefully...lots of aquila aloft. You know what they say about the Romans and their Aquila...

  5. Ooops...forgot to attached the link to the post about the aquila...

  6. Interesting...


    Democrats Are Telling You Their Plan

    1) Democrats say if Donald Trump wins they won’t let him take office and create civil war conditions

    2) Democrats DOD codified its right to deploy LETHAL FORCE against Americans

    3) Democrats introduce Bill H.R. 6981 Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act of 2024, It only takes 3 people “Training to function in public in combat” to be found guilty. Meaning Democrats want it illegal to fight back against tyranny

    Bill H.R. 6981 Also Seems To Take Away Your Right To Protest If A “Government Proceeding Is Happening… “interfere with, interrupt, or attempt to interfere with or interrupt government operations or a government proceeding”

    The party that’s “Defending Democracy” is telling you that you can’t vote in the candidate you want, you can’t fight back, you can’t even protest it and if you do they can now murder you on American soil

    This is the modern day Democrat Party
    πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈJoinπŸ‘‰ @SGTnewsNetwork
    πŸ“Ž  Twitter  ▪️ Truth Social

  7. This is a contingency plan in the scenario where Donald Trump does not win the November 4 2024 Presidential elections, he does not accept the loss , and his supporters carry out a violeny mass insurrection.
    Many MAGA types are heavily armed, including automatic assault rifles.
    Ordinary local police wod be easily overwhelmed in such a scenario, and it could take the military, armoured vehicles and all to bring the situation under control

  8. From the heart?


    Ghislaine ✔️
    Diddy ✔️
    Next ❓

    This is why they fear Trump so much. And this is why we need to wait until his return to really start seeing the justice served we’ve been waiting so long for.
