Tuesday, October 22, 2024

More evidence the MCMC is protecting Crony business interests

Murray Hunter

More evidence the MCMC is protecting Crony business interests

The current management of the MCMC don’t want corporate crony corruption exposed to the public

Oct 17, 2024

The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is being portrayed as a body that is protecting Malaysia against 3R (race, religious, and royalty) comments and hate speech. However, the MCMC is also protecting business cronies against public criticism of greed, scams, corruption and abuse of power.

This is an abuse of Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, which deems the MCMC can take action against people and websites that engage in “Improper use of network facilities or services”. Any site which fails to meet this arbitrary defined standard will be subject to criminal measures including imprisonment, raises concerns regarding necessity and proportionality.

Blocking sites acting in the public interest against corruption is an abuse of power by the MCMC.

In February 2016, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) used its powers for the first time to blanket block websites that published content related to Malaysia’s 1MDB scandal.

This practice is now being continued under the present management of the MCMC, which has blocked a website called The Corporate Secret 9 times. Every time the website is revived through a new link, it has been blocked. What does Corporate Secrets publish. Nothing political, nothing about the 3Rs, no hate speech, just exposes of corporate crony corruption and abuses of power.

The Corporate Secret undertakes corporate reporting the mainstream media won’t do. Websites such as The Corporate Secret undertake a great service in exposing corporate corruption in Malaysia. The current management of the MCMC don’t want that.

The MCMC’s reckless suppression of those who expose corporate corruption is not limited to The Corporate Secret. The former MP Wee Choo Keong’s website has also been blocked by the MCMC. What was his crime, exposing corporate corruption. Wee’s site has been blocked for more than a year now. Wee is in the process of taking action against the MCMC, and won a judicial review against them. Wee now operates through X, were the MCMC has very little influence. Have a look, no 3R or hate speech there, just exposes on cronyism and corruption.

Fighting corruption just doesn’t rely upon the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) alone. The fight against corruption needs brave and intrepid sites that are willing to do the investigative journalism and exposes for the authorities to take up.

Unfortunately, the MCMC is on the side of the corrupt.

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