Monday, September 02, 2024

Ukraine's Debacle


Monday, September 2, 2024

Ukraine's Debacle


The first of six F16s sent by the US to Ukraine has been destroyed by a Russian missile strike while still on the ground. Either an Iskandar or Khinzal missile took out the F16 and also killed its pilot who was seated in the cockpit at that time. That is 16% of rthe F16 fleet destroyed.


The massacre of Ukrainian troops in the Kursk incursion has now gone beyond 8,200 dead. The past week has been disastrous for Ukraine all along the front line because Russian forces have made significant gains in all areas.

The pace of Russian advances have picked up a bit more. Ukrainian troops are falling back and the surrenders are also increasing. 

The Russians are taking their time with chasing out Ukrainian troops from Kursk because the incursion has become a bargaining tool. No ceasefire as long as Ukrainian troops occupy Russian territory. Kursk has become a big mistake and a huge trap for Ukraine. 8,200 lives have been lost already in Kursk alone.



  1. This must be the 100th Syed Bodoh post celebrating how Ever Victorious Russia is crushing Ukraine into dust.

    Yet, the reality is Russia is ever so slowly trying to advance into Ukraine with a steep Cargo 200 cost.
    One Western commentator remarked the Ukraine invasion is the Last major war Russia will be able to fight, as Russia will not be able to replace the young men it has lost in this war.

    Catastrophic, irreversible Demographic collapse already underway in Russai.

  2. Susan Loone's suddenly came to mind today. Did a search online, nothing newer than those heady day of MY SoPo blogging golden years. Did a same search here at KK, same...all the stories from years back.

    How is Miss Loone?

  3. Met Susan Loone covering the Penang State Election campaign last year August.
    She lives in the Gelugor area.
    I think she hasn't been very active on SoPo issues coverage since then.
