Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Probably RPK's last post taken from Focus Malaysia on the Teresa Kok's 3R halal case

Zaid: If Teresa Kok is guilty of 3R incitement, so is Religious Minister Na’im who triggered it

Last updated Sep 9, 2024

Taking a swipe of VIPs (presumably minister and their entourage) who frequently visit foreign capitals, Zaid asked if they ever bring along “JAKIM officers to inspect the food before they dine at the Buckingham Palace or the White House?”

(Focus Malaysia) – FORMER de facto law minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim has emerged the second Muslim personality to defend DAP vice-chairman Teresa Kok who is now under police probe for fanning 3R sentiments (race, religion and royalty) with her objection of JAKIM mooting of a mandatory halal certification for alcohol/pork-free eateries.

After human rights activist and lawyer Siti Kasim took both Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Razarudin Husain to task for faulting the six-term Seputeh MP, Zaid contended that Religious Minister Datuk Dr Na’im Mokhtar, too, deserved to be investigated for raising the so-called provocative matter first.

“The PM claimed that Teresa had made it difficult by not raising the matter internally but instead going public. Does that same rule apply to Naim?” wondered the opposition-slant UMNO member on the X platform.



Teresa my condolence Anthony Loke’s meek support for Teresa Kok was all DAP could do, telling us she was doing her job as an MP What about DAP Ministers doing their job about this matter? No, they are just loyal followers who could do nothing more than keep quiet. Simply put, Teresa is now thrown under the bus What Teresa talked about is a serious matter and should not be dismissed as a troublemaker The IGP said she had raised a matter involving 3 R, but Naim, the Minister, raised the matter first. Will Naim be investigated? The PM then said Teresa had made it difficult by not raising the matter internally but instead going public. Does that same rule apply to Naim? Don’t forget that JAKIM is a body specially created to deal with Islamic affairs. But Islamic matters must not cross the line on non-Muslim affairs. That's the fundamental tenet of our country That’s why Muslim leaders should not be emotional when a non-Muslim leader raises a matter like halal food certification. That issue might have crossed the line. Have a discussion, a civil one The country must always recognise that non-Muslims have rights, too. These rights are not subordinate to others. It stands on its own and will be defended by non-Muslims when they can The PM says Muslims must be comforted and assured that the food they eat is halal. Most Muslims are, and if they are not, shouldn’t they make an effort to find a restaurant that gives them that comfort level? If the operator says there is no pork or alcohol, that should be sufficiently assuring, but if you are looking for another level of comfort, walk around the block; you will find the place.

“Don’t forget that JAKIM (Malaysian Islamic Development Department) is a body specially created to deal with Islamic affairs. But Islamic matters must not cross the line on non-Muslim affairs. That’s the fundamental tenet of our country.

“That’s why Muslim leaders should not be emotional when a non-Muslim leader raises a matter like halal food certification. That issue might have crossed the line. Have a discussion, a civil one.”

Zaid who had earlier ticked off DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke Siew Fook for only “meekly” supporting Kok – or literally “throwing her under the bus” – further insisted that “the country must always recognise that non-Muslims have rights, too”.

“These rights are not subordinate to others. It stands on its own and will be defended by non-Muslims when they can,” asserted the founder of Zaid Ibrahim & Co, the largest private law firm in Malaysia (which he no longer owns).

... continuing from Focus Malaysia ...

“That’s why Muslim leaders should not be emotional when a non-Muslim leader raises a matter like halal food certification. That issue might have crossed the line. Have a discussion, a civil one.”

Zaid who had earlier ticked off DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke Siew Fook for only “meekly” supporting Kok – or literally “throwing her under the bus” – further insisted that “the country must always recognise that non-Muslims have rights, too”.

“These rights are not subordinate to others. It stands on its own and will be defended by non-Muslims when they can,” asserted the founder of Zaid Ibrahim & Co, the largest private law firm in Malaysia (which he no longer owns).

Double standard at best

“The PM says Muslims must be comforted and assured that the food they eat is halal. Most Muslims are – and if they aren’t – shouldn’t they make an effort to find a restaurant that gives them that comfort level?

“If the (food) operator says there is no pork or alcohol, that should be sufficiently assuring but if you are looking for another level of comfort, walk around the block; you will find the place (a better option).”

Taking a swipe of VIPs (presumably minister and their entourage) who frequently visit foreign capitals, Zaid asked if they ever bring along “JAKIM officers to inspect the food before they dine at the Buckingham Palace or the White House?”

“If they can find comfort level overseas, why not here”?” teased the former defence counsel of now incarcerated former premier Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

“Islam is a simple religion. The Quran does not say what’s halal; it specifically mentions what’s haram. If restaurants owned by non-Muslims don’t serve the items described as haram, then it’s halal.”

But there is even no guarantee for those who opt for Muslim eateries just for the sake of a higher level of purity and comfort, according to Zaid.

“Food served by Muslim operators can contain impurities and be unhygienic, thus making them fall under the non-halal category,” he pointed out.

“What about school cafeterias dishing out rotten fish (referring to a recent case of poor kitchen hygiene and food quality at the MARA Junior Science College (MRSM) Taiping? That’s not halal. But of course, UMNO (its ulama council) says certification is not necessary when the operators are Muslims.” – Sept 9, 2024

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