Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Al Fatihah Raja Petra Kamarudin

Murray Hunter

Al Fatihah Raja Petra Kamarudin

Sep 10, 2024

September 27, 1950 to September 9, 2024.

One of Malaysia’s political veterans Raja Petra Kamarudin passed away last night in the United Kingdom. RPK, as he was known, was so much more than a blogger. He was one of the pioneers of the ‘reformasi’ movement back in 2000. His internet presence began with the Free Anwar website. Which became a go to place for Malaysians to find out what was happening in politics. Without the efforts of RPK, the reformasi movement may not have got off the ground in the way it did.

In 2004, RPK started his Malaysia Today website, carrying stories, exposes, and uncovering corruption. Most prized by his readers were his old ‘Corridors of power’ and ‘No holes barred’ articles which read like thrillers.

His writings and videos captured the attention of many Malaysians over more than two decades.

RPK was imprisoned twice under the Internal Security Act, once in 2001, and again in 2008. In 2008, RPK left the UK in self-imposed exile, after continued police persecution. He later described in detail his experiences in forced detention on his Malaysia Today website.

All sides of politics knew RPK, and were sensitive to what RPK said. He was a staunch Anwar supporter until 2008, whereafter his political slants changed over the years. RPK had deep principles about a number of issues, which included free speech. Most of all RPK took on a Machiavellian approach to the politics he described in Malaysia. From this perspective, RPK was a pragmatist, realist in his analysis by story telling of what was happening.

Although RPK had been blocked by the current regime many Malaysians went to Malaysia Today to get their daily political fill.

Politics in Malaysia won’t be the same without RPK. Its going to lose its rough edges and make it much easier for this regime and future ones to spin their narratives. RPK was the last bastion of realism, that no one will be able to replace.

Although, RPK and myself didn’t always see eye to eye, he supported my writings through his website after I was blocked by the current regime over the last year. For this I am eternally grateful. He was one of the few friends I had, after I was ‘cancelled’. RPK helped me not to feel alone.

My condolences to his remaining family. Please continue to live with fond memories of him.

Al Fatihah RPK and thank you.

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