Tuesday, March 08, 2022

War in Ukraine triggered by “pro-Zionist” Zelenskiy, Hadi claims

War in Ukraine triggered by “pro-Zionist” Zelenskiy, Hadi claims

PAS PRESIDENT Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang alleged that the war in Ukraine was due to Zionists’ influence in the country, which is controlling the world using money, media and management (3M).

“The US and the North-Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) had been moved to provoke the Eastern bloc, led by Russia, by admitting several countries in the region into the military pact.

“This is how the Zionists control the world. Any candidates who want to win an election in the West must be supportive of the illegal country called Israel,” Harakah Daily reported him as saying.

The conflict in Ukraine is set to displace over one million of its citizens as they are moving to neighbouring countries to seek asylum.

Despite valiant efforts by Ukrainian soldiers and citizens to deter Russian forces from advancing, experts have predicted that the latter may overrun the country soon.

However, Russia itself is now suffering from economic malaise given the massive sanctions imposed by the West.

Touching on Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Hadi claimed that fanatical Jews have managed to infiltrate the country by getting the former to hold the nation’s highest office, who is also Jew.

“Zelenskiy was a highly educated comedian but he has now put his country into peril. He dragged Ukraine in the middle of a fight between major powers,” he quipped.

God help us

On that note, the Special Envoy to the Middle East said that the conflict in Ukraine is putting major powers in a bind, warning it could escalate to become World War III, if not resolved effectively.

However, he stressed that it was the West that had “pointed a gun” on “Russia’s head”, which forced the latter to retaliate for its survival.

“In fact, even the US almost retaliated when Soviet Union tried to supply Cuba with deadly weapons in the 1960s. How will the US feel if China or Russia start sending weapons to Mexico?

“In any case, there will be no winner if this breaks out to become World War III. The winners will turn into coal while loses will end up being dust.

“Let us pray to the Almighty to save the world from this catastrophe,” Hadi remarked. – March 7, 2022

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