Tuesday, March 08, 2022

The 'colour' of our god or gods

God! Gods!

In other words, the world has more than one god, depending on your religion.

Of course the Abrahamic religions each have one god only, who some adherents claim to be the same for all three religions, though I kaytee doubt that because the respective adherents have been killing each other, even in the name of their respective religion, yes, those of the purported same religion, eg. RC versus Protestants, Sunni vs Shia, Jews versus Christians and Muslims, Muslims versus Christians and Jews, Christians versus Jews and Muslims.

Thus we shouldn't be surprised by Muslims killing Hindus and vice versa. Verily, Christians have been killing non-Christians (Jews, Hindus, Taoists, adherents of American, South American and African religions). On historical records I dare say the Christians were the most prolific killers of non-Christians, whilst Muslims rate second - the remaining religions obtain consolation prizes as serial (nay) mass killers.

The most notorious god was the Hebraic god who murdered every first born in Egypt in just one single night. YHWH had/has an obsession with 'first born', because according to the Old Testament, every single Hebrew-Israelite first-born belongs to him. Indeed, way before YHWH went on a killing rampage in Egypt on one dark and stormy night, He had already partook of first-born Isaac, sacrificed to Him by Abraham.

In recent time, specifically the current war in Ukraine, people talked favourably of refugees with 'blonde and blue eyes' but sneering at 'brownies/blackies' let us re-examine our respective god or gods. But do we realise very few of our gods are white?

YHWH = Hebrew or at least Middle-East = brown

Jesus = ditto

Jesus (a probable portrait commissioned by BBC)

Allah swt = Arab - no one has seen Him so presumably brown

Baal = Canaan = ditto

Zoroastrian = Persian = ditto ie. brown

Shiva, Brahma, Krishna - Indians = brown

Waheguru - Sikh Indian = brown

Manitou (or Wakan Tanka, New World native god) = brown

Jade Emperor = Chinese = yellow??

Zeus = Greek = is a Greek white or brown? His descendants were called 'wogs' by the Poms so I doubt Zeus would be accepted as white

Jupiter is just a Roman version of Zeus = another 'wog'

Odin = Norse = probably the ONLY white god

Note I haven't included Buddha, Mahavira, Lao Tze because they weren't/aren't gods - just 'enlightened' ones


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destruction_under_the_Mongol_Empire

    As a percentage of the total world population at the time, the Mongol Hordes probably killed more people than any other power in history. around 37.75–60 million people in Eurasia, about 11% of the Total World Population at the time.

    In fact , Central Asia's population and societies never fully recovered to this day.

  2. Wikipedia ISN'T a reliable source of any info, be their historical, political, social & science etc etc. Many a times it has been a tool of distortion for evil-minded manipulators to bend logic, rationality & truth to their narratives.

    Thus, use it with utmost consideration in putting through ANY arguments on any topic.

    When the Mongol Hordes roamed through Eurasia, most of the conquerings & killings happened at the two extreme ends of its empire. In ancient and early medieval times, Eurasian nomads dominated the eastern steppe areas of Europe, such as the Scythians, Huns, Avars, Pechenegs, Cumans or Kalmyk people in Russia's Kalmykia.

    There were recorded indications that the combined population of these small tribal/nations within the Steppes hardly numbered more than 1M!

    In the eastern end of the Mongol empire was the most populated country of the world - China, with about 90M, concentrating mostly at the Central Plain bounded by the two might rivers of 黄河 & 杨子江.

    In the western end lied many city states of Germanic/Slavic/Greek which tends to be concentrated and numerically dominant within a distinctive territorial homeland. There were constant large scale wars between these city states such that the total population on these western European countries combined less than 10M.

    Thus the oft-quoted Mongol massacres of 37.75–60M people in Eurasia is at most an uneducated guesstimate or just pure lies to dressup the Yellow Peril atrocity.

    There were inhumane killings by the Mongol conquerors, mostly in the populated China region no doubt. But to over exaggerated the warring deaths, especially in the western fronts during that Mongol realm is just the usual anmokausai fart.
