Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Russian strike takes out TV tower in Kyiv


Russian strike takes out TV tower in Kyiv next to Holocaust memorial, while its forces relentlessly shell Mariupol

A blast is seen in the TV tower in Kyiv.(Reuters: Carlos Barria)

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has called Russia barbaric for launching a missile strike on a TV tower next to a memorial commemorating the victims of one of the biggest single massacres of Jews by Nazi Germany.

"Russian troops fired on the TV tower, near the Memorial complex #BabynYar," Ukraine's Foreign Ministry said.Emergency services in Ukraine said five people were killed in the strike on the tower in Kyiv and that many more were injured.

"Russian criminals do not stop at anything in their barbarism. Russia = barbarian."

Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba tweeted, calling the move "evil" and condemned Russia for its actions.



    Wakaka...even the Russia-leaning Malaysian government bows to international sanctions against Russia.

    I wrote a tutorial in a Ktemoc's earlier article, on how International trade with foreign currency works, this action was inevitable, unless Malaysia was willing to risk its US Dollar denominated trade transactions.

  2. Wakakakakaka…

    US Dollar denominated trade transactions!!!

    Only work if the parties r Yankee acolytes, like Jap, Oz, pommie etc etc. Ooop… too those too weak not to follow the Yank's dictate!

    Does it work with China?

    Even the Pakistan is defying the Yank by buying wheat directly from the Russko! Of course, the Paki has not much reserve to pay for this purchase. But search closely one would see the hands of the Arabs in stirring this cauldron of openly-secretly deals.

    Ooop… don't forget how the Germans r going to pay for the LNG purchase from Russia. Mmmm… with the help of the American Jews outfits!

    1. You are trying to teach a guy who makes international trade deals every day...

      There are Always methods to work around currencies.

      However , there are No real free lunches in thus world.

      It depends on whether it is the Buyer or the Seller is in real need to deal in altenative currencies.

      If an internationally traded item is market priced in Dollars or Euro or Yen, and the the transaction needs to be done in Pakistan Rupee...depending on who is more desperate , Buyer or Seller, its either going to be sold at a heavy premium price or bought at a heavy discount price. One party or the other loses out in such a deal.

      At this time, I bet Russia is Forced to sell at a discount.

      Winnie the Pooh will fuck Putin kaw kaw for his "services".

    2. Wakakakaka…

      Sad, very sad for a blurred mfering international deal trader!

      BTW, why all the mumbo-jumbo of inconsequential & unrecognized statements in that 'clarification' of yr international deal dealings?

      Yes - It depends on whether it is the Buyer or the Seller is in real need to deal in altenative currencies.

      During the current sanctions imposed on Russia, whose r the desperados for goods & alternative currencies.

      The EU needs Russian oil&LNG, thus the selective blocking of the Russian banks in SWIFT listing.

      Meaning $ is STILL flowing into the Russian bank of choice. Surprised?

      Due to the sanctions many goods Russia needed CAN be obtained w/o restriction from alternative sources - like China. No need to transact in $ too due to the signed local currency settlement framework between Russia & China.

      Russia has a few similar agreements with many other countries too.

      On top of that, there r alternatives to SWIFT! No… no… no via fax or telegram. Go ask yr banker about that service provided by NY…… wakakaka…

      The activation of the SWIFT list blocking has initiated the quicker demise of this US dominated payment advice system. It would be very soon been replaced by block-chained digital currency.

      Good ridden!

      Ooop… the Winnie the Pooh tulin WOULD definitely f*ck Putin kaw kaw as the demise of SWIFT would push the final nail in London financial hub
      Totally destroying that witchy Thatcher's envisaged dream for London.
