Friday, March 11, 2022

Russia says claim that it bombed a children's hospital are 'fake news'

Russia says claim that it bombed a children's hospital are 'fake news'

Russia said on Thursday a Ukrainian claim that it bombed a children's hospital in Mariupol was "fake news" because the building was a former maternity hospital that had long been taken over by troops.

"That’s how fake news is born," Dmitry Polyanskiy, Russia's first deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, said on Twitter.

Polyanskiy said Russia had warned on March 7 that the hospital (above) had been turned into a military object from which Ukrainians were firing.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy accused Russia of carrying out genocide after Ukrainian officials said Russian aircraft bombed the children's hospital on Wednesday.

- Reuter


  1. In the findings of the French news reporter, Anne-Laure Bonnel who has extensive exposures in war-torn Donbass region of Ukraine, have indicated that the usual fighting tactic of the ukraine nationalists - forcing all the residents of the building to the mid levels, positioning heavy artilleries at the ground floor & surroundings. Hiding snipers at the topmost floor to take out the attackers.

    Thus maximum protection from the mid level human shield while easily taken out small group of attackers from higher vantage position. No heavy armory attacks can come from outside while heavy artilleries can be launched from here to enemy locations.

    Her reports about the Kyiv's elite azov atrocities have been mostly ignored by the western MSN. Her YouTube uploads were also been banned.

    Could there be truth in the Russian counterclaim that the abandoned maternity hospital was been used as a human shield for the attacking Ukrainian nationalists?

  2. The bombing of the children's hospital was definitely real.
    But I can accept that it may have not been intentional.

    The Russian Armed Forces have shown spectacular ineptness and poor capability in their invasion of Ukraine.

    The Russians are resorting to WW 2-style area bombardment as they seem to lack modern precision weapons.

    Pretty sad state of affairs for a Russian military that has been overrated as an equal to the US Armed Forces.

    1. Many have questioned the slow progress of the special military operation in Ukraine. Many western MSN have spread this "spectacular ineptness" as the proof to the overblown hyperbol might of the Russian army.

      Yet, many of these 'facts' r instead just pure uneducated fabrications & choreographed lies!

      The Russian forces r showing compassionate restraints in fighting the opposition Ukrainians.

      Many of these Ukrainians, 18-60yr males, r been 'drafted' into fightings due to the Ukraine military declaration!

      They r NO usual military conscripts. Unlike the Azov, they r ordinary Ukrainians who r been forced to fight a war, like it or not!

      Thus, the Russian army WOULDN'T shoot them unmercifully - unlike the nationalist Ukrainians shooting the Russians with no consideration.

      The flat geographical terrain of Ukraine makes massive offensive firepower, land & air, very easy. But it also means massive civilian casualties should such tactic be used.

      Unlike US/NATO deploying scorched earth bombings before military personnel territorial advancements in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq etc, Putin wouldn't allow that. Neither would the attacking Russian army.

      Ukrainian & Russian r Slavic blood brothers!

      The humongous atrocious lies spread by the western MSM, such as the bombing of the maternity hospital CAN be easily proved wrong by just counting the reported casualties. Can a massive bombing only resulted in 3 deads as reported?

      Yet a dramatized headline & twisted content have tuned the humanitarianism heart string of many of a reader. In their eyes, the Russian armies r inept in operation, cruelness in treating civilians & most of all acting against all decent international rules!

      The overwhelming single-sided & biased reportings of these western MSN have worked their aim of blackgoating Russia bcos all these demoNcratic acolytes r already meme-ed to be offensive to ANYTHING that's contradictory to their indoctrinated mindset!

  3. More information is emerging about the fake scene staged at the Mariupol hospital. The pregnant woman carried out by the stretcher which was splashed over all the Western media and endlessly replayed on CNN turned out to be a former model, actress and popular beauty blogger in Mariupol ( https// Her name is Marianna Podgurskaya. The woman was indeed pregnant but she is acting a role at that former maternity hospital, which had long been occupied by neo-Nazis from the Azo. She was dressed for the role, with "bruised" make up on the face and arms, and brought under the cameras, under the well-known photographer Yevgeny Maloletka, who currently works closely with Western news agencies and works for The Associated Press. His photograhps ( or rather art pieces, hehe ) are 'dedicated' to the crisis Ukraine.

    Btw KT, maybe you can post something about the US-funded Ukraine bio-labs conducting research into bat coronavirus. 26 bio-labs were discovered in Ukraine alone, all funded by the US...exposure...US denies Russian claims of biowarfare labs in Ukraine but the very next day, US Undersecretary of State, Victoria Nuland ( yes, the very same witch who was the main actor in the thick of the 2014 coup which ousted the democratically elected Viktor Yanukovych, so effectively, the current comic Zelensky is an illegal president in an illegal state ), this witch Nuland contradicted the official claim when she acknowledges that there are biological warfare labs in Ukraine and she warned of the danger of the lab documents, notes and files falling into the hands of the Russian.
