Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Boris kerbau - his Brexit was to prevent Europeans from swamping UK so natch he doesn't want Ukranian refugees


PM Johnson: UK is generous to refugees, but we need control

Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson also said he would be speaking with US President Joe Biden and other world leaders later today. — Reuters pic

LONDON, March 7 — Prime Minister Boris Johnson rejected calls today for Britain to ease visa-demands on Ukrainian refugees fleeing conflict, saying Britain was a generous country but it needed to maintain checks on who was arriving.

“We are a very, very generous country. What we want though is control and we want to be able to check,” he told reporters. “I think it’s sensible given what’s going on in Ukraine to make sure that we have some basic ability to check who is coming in.”

“What we won’t do is have a system where people can come into the UK without any checks or any controls at all - I don’t think that is the right approach - but what we will do is have a system that is very, very generous.”

“As the situation in Ukraine deteriorates people are going to want to see this country open our arms to people fleeing persecution, fleeing a war zone.”

Johnson also said he would be speaking with US President Joe Biden and other world leaders later today. He was speaking during a visit to a British military base with Canadian leader Justin Trudeau and Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

He said Britain wanted to go further on sanctions both at home and also by encouraging international allies to do more.

“I think we’ve got to recognize that we’ve got to do more on sanctions and there is more we can do, and more that I think we should do. So, on SWIFT, there’s more that the world can do, on banking, there’s more than the world can do.” — Reuters


  1. British don't want no people speekee funny accents...even if they have blond hair... much of the miff that drove Brexit was actually from immigration into Britain from less developed EU countries.

  2. Brexit!

    There is an indept analysis that pommieland was a spying mole planted by uncle Sam to destroy EU.

    NATO as a military outfit is fully under the jurisdiction of US. Nothing goes w/o uncle Sam's firm approval.

    EU is an economic outfit sans any US inputs. In fact, it's an economic powerhouse that could disrupt the hegemonic fiscal influence of the $. Eventually, if implemented properly & innovatively, € could very well replace $ as the new dominant currency of the trading world.

    Moreover, EU econimic successes can coagulate the political awareness of the members in coming to their sense of "EU fate EU decides"!

    USofA would not allow that to happen.

    Thus, the planting of the pommie mole in secretly agitating the immature sopo emulsion of EU into its separate components.

    The old EU can see that US move. But they lack determinations & willpower to face up to the inevitable challenges.

    The increase spending in military budget will diverse many needed funds into further developing the youthful EU framework. It also going against the contemporary public thinking of anti-military spendings.

    This "Don Quixote" mentality of surviving under a powerful friend has cultivated many of a EU politicians under the false illusion of peace w/o substantial local EU military inputs.

    The old EU understand the pommie role. Hence France & Germany r playing their supposed leading tespinsibilitiesin EU.

    The current Ukraine crisis has changed ALL those thinkings.

    Germany has initiated his new
    €100B military budget in new military development. France has played a more dominant role in EU diplomacy of solving regional problems.

    "EU fate EU decides" could be ONE of the good thing coming out of this Ukraine crisis.
