Monday, September 09, 2024

Siti Kasim brushes aside 3R breaches, hails Teresa Kok for “having balls” to speak up

Focus Malaysia:

Siti Kasim brushes aside 3R breaches, hails Teresa Kok for “having balls” to speak up

AS PAS Youth mobilised nationwide lodging of police report against DAP vice-chairman Teresa Kok, human rights activist and lawyer Siti Kasim has stood firm behind Kok’s objection to the Malaysian Islamic Development Department’s (JAKIM) mooting of a mandatory halal certification for alcohol/pork-free eateries.

The first casualty is Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for remarking that Kok’s opposition to the idea is her personal view and does not represent the stance of Pakatan Harapan (PH).

While Anwar would have appeased rightists with his comments, Siti Kasim begged to differ.

At least she has the balls to speak up. I believe even Loke (DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke Siew Fook) has spoken up, too,” reacted the liberal-minded Orang Asli advocate on the X platform to the applause of some rational commenters.

“He (Anwar) thinks he can just bulldoze anything he wants? Time for all of us to pushback this insanity.”

At least she has the balls to speak up. I believe even Loke has spoken up too. He thinks he can just bulldoze anything he wants? Time for all of us to pushback this insanity.
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For the record, Anwar who is also the PH chairman and PKR president has described the six-term Seputeh MP’s criticism over the proposal by Religious Affairs Minister Datuk Dr Na’im Mokhtar as “unnecessary and only complicated the issue”.

“This is just an individual’s perspective. If there are suggestions or concerns, bring them to the meeting, and we will examine them … there is no need to stir controversy,” Bernama quoted Anwar as saying after officiating the Seremban (Southbound) rest and refreshment (R&R) facility yesterday (Sept 8).

“Regulations should be established to alleviate any apprehension among Muslims. However, if the individual feels that the rules are unnecessary for some specific areas, discuss it properly.”

In a slightly abusive one-liner, Siti Kasim also lambasted Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Razarudin Husain for his revelation that police have initiated an investigation against Kok with five reports received as of yesterday (Sept 8) evening.

“Ridiculous!!! WTF la with this gomen .. ” she tweeted.

Ridiculous!!! WTF la with this gomen.. 🙄
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According to Bernama, the police probe on Kok would follow the standard operating procedures (SOPs) concerning issues related to the race, religion and rulers (3R) and is being conducted under Section 298 of the Penal Code, Section 505(b) of the Penal Code, and Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998.

In her defence, the 60-year politician said she was unable to raise her views through internal channels because Na’im has “raised this proposal through an open forum without engaging with the people’s representatives first”.

“As such, I have no opportunity to convey views through internal channels,” she justified in a Facebook post.

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My press statement dated 6 September 2024 asking the government to review the proposal of the Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Dr Mohd Na'im Mokhtar to oblige restaurants that do not sell pork and alcohol to obtain halal certification has caused m...

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“As an MP, I’m responsible for highlighting the problems and voices of the people of various races. That is why I asked the government to review this proposal. My statement does not at all mean that I question halal certification, JAKIM’s role or disrespect Islam.”

Thankfully, Kok also has the DAP’s backing with Loke stating that the party’s legal bureau will accompany and provide legal advice to Kok in the entire police investigation process.

“The DAP leadership is confident that Kok did not violate the law in carrying out her duties and responsibilities as an MP by conveying the view that there is a government policy,” added Loke who is also the Transport Minister. – Sept 9, 2024

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