Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sayuti Omar asks Hadi Awang to showcase his ‘success’ in Terengganu instead of lambasting Madani

Focus Malaysia:

Sayuti Omar asks Hadi Awang to showcase his ‘success’ in Terengganu instead of lambasting Madani

RENOWNED writer and political analyst Mohd Sayuti Omar urged PAS leader Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang to stop the hypocrisy in attacking the Madani government.

He said the latter should instead showcase his ‘successes and greatness’ in his rule over Terengganu.

“Hadi’s sermon in Kerdau today thrashed the defects of the Madani government and presented the idealism of his leadership full of rhetoric.

“Hadi doesn’t need to be a hypocrite, he needs to show his success and greatness in the four states he controls before denigrating people,” he wrote on X.

Khutbah Hadi Awang di Kerdau hari ini membelasah kecacatan kerajaan Madani dan mengemukakan idealisme kepimpinannya yang penuh retorik. Hadi tidak perlu jadi munafik dia perlu bentangkan kejayaan dan kehebatan di empat buah negeri yg dikuasainya dahulu sebelum merendahkan orang.
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The post gained some attention from X users with a variety of comments, with some saying this is what one should expect from PAS—attacking others while not delivering on their own.

1 comment:

  1. Pas administration successes in Kelantan & Trengganu?

    Oooop… more zombieic than the zombies in their founding land!
