Monday, September 09, 2024

Polygamy not just joking matter of quotas, says Sisters in Islam [to Fei-Lo]



Polygamy not just joking

matter of quotas, says

Sisters in Islam


The rights group says it has deep and lasting consequences for women, children and family life.

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Sisters in Islam congratulated Kedah menteri besar Sanusi Nor on his recent marriage to a second wife, but said he should not have publicly joked about having ‘two more quotas to fill’.

Polygamy is not just a joking matter of quotas, but has deep and lasting consequences for women, children and family life, says women’s rights group Sisters in Islam.

In a statement today, SIS congratulated Kedah menteri besar Sanusi Nor on his recent marriage to a second wife, but chastised him for publicly making a joke about having 

two more quotas to fill

“It is disconcerting that he saw it fit to make the announcement in such a trivial way.

Joking about adding quotas and giving lip service to legal procedures devalue the emotional depth of these relationships and reduces women to mere trophies to be collected,
 SIS said.

It said as polygamy can create significant emotional and financial strain on families, leaders should approach such issues with 

empathy, respect, and an understanding of their profound impact

Joking about polygamy belittles the real struggles women face in such situations and minimises the deep emotional toll it can take on families,
 it said.

Last week, Sanusi confirmed taking a police officer as a second wife, saying their marriage was conducted in accordance with all customs and regulations.

He said he decided to clear the air over his second marriage to a single mother after speculation ran rife about the marriage, including that he was caught for khalwat (close proximity).

I just want to avoid sensationalism. It’s not an issue as I still have two more quotas (to fill),
 he said in jest.

SIS also noted that financial capability alone does not ensure fairness or happiness in polygamous relationships.

“Being just, providing emotional support and ensuring the well-being of all parties remain paramount responsibilities.

Leaders must recognise that the material aspect is only one component, and true justice requires far more than financial maintenance,
 it said.

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