Saturday, September 14, 2024

PAS delegate accuses Madani govt of endorsing bids to 'bury Islam

PAS delegate accuses Madani govt of endorsing bids to 'bury Islam'

N Faizal Ghazali & Hariz Mohd
Published: Sep 14, 2024 9:45 PM

PAS MUKTAMAR | A Selangor PAS delegate today accused the government of endorsing moves by certain quarters to “bury Islam” and replace it with man-made ideologies, resulting in a “cancerous value crisis”.

“This is the manifestation of the tragic value crisis that is happening across all sections of our society and country.

“The ideologies are being promoted aggressively and openly, being backed by international agents, assisted by traitors to our race and religion and endorsed by the Madani government,” Sabirin Marsono said when debating the party president’s policy speech at the PAS muktamar in Temerloh, Pahang today.

However, Sabirin (above) offered no evidence to back his allegations.

Earlier today, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang also made a bizarre claim that there is a group of religious people who are working alongside “cruel” leaders who have
 changed the religion of Allah and created their own.

Abdul Hadi Awang

The Marang MP claimed that these people have abandoned Allah’s guidance and created their own rules beyond the capabilities of their imperfect intellect, thus violating the boundaries of Allah’s nature.

“In fact, there are also those who create ideologies and theories in matters that Allah does not allow because they are beyond human ability.

“We are witnessing the emergence of liars becoming leaders, traitors being trusted, and the ignorant pretending to know,” Hadi was reported as saying.

‘Wayward ideology’

On that note, Sabirin said the wayward ideologies were becoming a “cancer” to the society and country, claiming that even some Muslims are backing the moves.

“We are seeing some Muslims becoming members and supporters of parties that champion liberalism, secularism and equality which is clearly against the Constitution.

“They are making plans to end our monarchy system to turn the nation into a republic.

“Today, we see the authorities banning any discussion on race, religion and royalty, which is clearly an unlawful act,” he added.


kt comment:

Lebais can only kerbau-kuat and threaten - such wild (no evidence) allegations serve two purposes:

(1) They satisfy the converted and "gullible" with captivating mental "nutrition", and

(2) they are religious accusations thus they will scare the shit out of PMX.


1 comment:

  1. And the PAS non muslim wing support this party led by taliban like leaders?
