Sunday, September 08, 2024

Must Watch : Trump Vows To Remove All Sanctions On Russia Amid Ukraine War


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Must Watch : Trump Vows To Remove All Sanctions On Russia Amid Ukraine War

Straight talking President Trump says it simply and plainly. He will remove all sanctions against Russia and also stop the war in Ukraine even as 'president-elect'. If he wins the elections on Nov 4th, he will officially take office sometime in January 2025. In the in-between he will be 'president-elect' for two months. Trump says he will stop the Ukraine war within the two months as president-elect.

Its really very simple. All President Trump has to do is tell the British 'stop it'. He merely has to say that the US will stop supplying weapons and giving money to Ukraine. Thats it. The Ukraine war will come to an end. 

Andrei Martyanov the super hawkish Russian military analyst  who lives in the United States (click here if you have 45 minutes, its worth it) says that the British were directly involved in the planning and directing of the Ukraine attack into Kursk inside Russia (I said the same thing). The British plan was indeed to capture the nuclear power plant in Kursk. 

Martyanov also says that the British are putting pressure on the Biden administration to allow Ukraine to fire British supplied Storm Shadow missiles into Russia. Martyanov suggests that in such event the Russians might strike 10 Downing Street in London (the British prime minister's office) and wipe it out.  Or the Russians might sink the only British destroyer at the Royal Navy's base in Cyprus. 

Lets look at the bright side. If Donald Trump wins on Nov 4th, there will be peace in Europe, sanctions against Russia will be lifted and the world economy will move again. 

  • The price of wheat and fertilisers (where Ukraine and Russia are both the world's largest producers) will drop significantly. World food prices will or should come down again.
  • The street demos and hunger revolutions in Egypt (which is the next item on the world stage) will get postponed for a bit.
  • Gas supply from Russia to Germany will resume. German industry will move again. Volkswagen need not layoff 11,000 workers etc. Or move their factories to other countries. 

Lets look on the bright side.

In the meantime the Brits will be gunning for President Trump again. 

They might even try to assassinate Elon Musk. If President Trump wins he will be appointing Elon Musk to head a special committee to completely audit and overhaul the efficiency of the entire US government. That makes Elon Musk a target as well.

Lets look on the bright side.


  1. The war would end TONIGHT if Russ-ial withdraws from Ukraine.

    No need to wait for Trump.

  2. Russial Navy can't even stand up Ukraine, want to threaten the Royal Navy. Podah.

    1. What navy has Ukraine sustained?

    2. Yr royal navy can't even maintain a sustainable aircraft carrier in workable condition despite the long yrs of delay & billions down the drain!
