Friday, September 20, 2024

Most Islamic authorities seem to be sh*t-scared of criticising GISBH



Negeri Sembilan calls for

clear federal ruling on



The menteri besar, Aminuddin Harun, says the state government would like a final word from Jakim on the matter.

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Aminuddin Harun
Negeri Sembilan menteri besar Aminuddin Harun said his state government seeks a clear federal ruling on GISBH to ensure that the public can understand the matter clearly. (Bernama pic)

The Negeri Sembilan government has called for a clear ruling by federal religious authorities on all matters related to Global Ikhwan Services and Business Holdings (GISBH).

The company was declared as deviant by the mufti of Perlis today, while the mufti of Terengganu said the state religious authorities are to follow the Perlis example.

Negeri Sembilan menteri besar Aminuddin Harun said a clear federal ruling is needed to ensure that the public can understand the matter clearly, Bernama reported.

“There are various statements made by the public on social media, so I hope the government, especially the Islamic development department (Jakim), will give its final word or a firm statement regarding GISBH.

This is because we want to see what is really happening. We want the people to understand what is happening in our country,
 he told reporters in Seremban today.

Aminuddin said the Negeri Sembilan Islamic religious department is monitoring and examining GISBH’s operations in the state, and is also receiving views from various parties, including the Negeri Sembilan syarie lawyers’ group, on the issue.

Last week, the Bukit Aman criminal investigation department raided 20 welfare homes in Selangor and Negeri Sembilan believed to be linked to GISBH, and rescued 402 children and teenagers comprising 201 boys and 201 girls aged one to 17.

Terengganu mufti Sabri Haron said the state will follow Perlis’s example in declaring GISBH’s beliefs and teachings as deviant, the New Straits Times reported.

Sabri was quoted as saying the Terengganu fatwa committee will declare GISBH as deviant 

based on the evidence
, but the National Council for Islamic Affairs will make a decision first before it is brought to the respective states.

Once strong evidence is presented by authorised parties regarding GISBH, it will undoubtedly be declared deviant,
 he said.

Sabri noted that while the GISBH movement is not very prominent in Terengganu, the issue is still taken seriously. 

In Terengganu, this movement is not widely recognised, and there have been no serious complaints warranting a state-level fatwa.

Perlis was the first state to label the organisation as a deviant group. State mufti Asri Zainul Abidin said the fatwa was issued after receiving convincing evidence that the organisation promotes deviant beliefs.



National council to meet on

GISBH ‘next week’


However, the muzakarah committee’s chairman would not comment on the edict issued earlier today by the Perlis religious council.

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Free Malaysia Today
The affairs of Global Ikhwan Services and Business Holdings are to be scrutinised by the national council of Islamic religious affairs. (EPA images pic)

Officials of the national council of Islamic religious affairs will meet soon to discuss a company that authorities have linked to welfare homes at the centre of sexual abuse allegations.

Nooh Gadut, chairman of the muzakarah committee said they will be discussing Global Ikhwan Services and Business Holdings (GISBH) at the next meeting.

Maybe next week,
 he told FMT.

However he would not comment on the declaration by Perlis mufti, Asri Zainul Abidin earlier today that GISBH promotes deviant beliefs and operates businesses in an unIslamic manner.

I cannot comment about it now,
 Nooh said.

Asri said GISBH’s beliefs are a continuation of those adopted by the banned Al-Arqam movement and that the company fosters a cult-like devotion to its leaders, elevating them to a status comparable to Prophet Muhammad.

The fatwa (religious edict) issued by the Perlis religious council follows heightened concerns over GISBH after police raided 20 welfare homes – 18 in Selangor and two in Negeri Sembilan – last week and rescued 402 children, some of whom were allegedly sexually abused or taught to assault others.

Police said the welfare homes were linked to GISBH but the company has since denied operating the homes. However, the company’s CEO, Nasiruddin Ali, admitted on Sept 14 that cases of sodomy had occurred within the organisation in the past.

Nasiruddin is among more than 20 people being held in custody, including his sons and the sons of Al-Arqam’s founder, the late Ashaari Mohammad, as well as members of the company’s top management.


kt comments:

Other than HM the Agong, Muftis of Perlis and Terengganu (who follows Perlis), most Muslim authorities seem to be sh*t scared of criticising or condemning GISBH, as have been evident in the muted-silent behaviour of equally sh*t-scared blokes like usually-vociferous Hadi, RTA, and normally-loud-mouth-but-now-diam-macam-tikus Akmal, etc.

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