Friday, September 13, 2024

Missing Him Already

Missing Him Already

My father was the kind of man who refused to stay quiet while others played it safe. He thrived on challenging the norm, questioning those in power, and disrupting the beliefs that many people accepted without question. To some, he is an icon and to others a man who stirred controversy. But to me? He was more than that. He wasn’t just my father—he was my everything.

For him, it was never about which political side you were. Whether you stood with the opposition or with the government (In fact, he didn’t even mind that i joined umno).As long as you knew what you stood for. That was his mission, to awaken a sense of critical thinking in Malaysians, to push Malaysians to make informed choices. Blind loyalty is never good. He wanted a Malaysia where the people made choices out of knowledge and conviction, not just base on what you’ve been told.

But my father was never one to back down, no matter how high the stakes were. To him, the truth was worth every sacrifice. He believed that a better, more informed Malaysians was his mission.

We, his family, stood by him through it all. We understood the weight of what he was carrying, and we believed in him just as fiercely as he believed in this conviction. His intentions were always rooted in a deep love for Malaysia. I can assure you, my father doesn’t have any ill intentions towards anyone. His heart was full of hope—for you, for me, for every single Malaysian.

The outpouring of love, support and doa from all of you has been overwhelming. Every message, every prayer, every gesture of kindness has touched our hearts. Although, we may not be able to respond to each message personally, but know that we feel your warmth, and it has brought us great comfort in this incredible difficult time.

My father dedicated his entire life to this country. He gave it his all, and seeing how many of you appreciated his efforts brings us some peace in our grief. His funeral was beautiful, with birds dancing as if they too were honouring him.

To those who stood by him, who supported him even in the toughest times, thank you. Your support meant the world to him, and to us. My family and I are eternally grateful for the love and respect you’ve shown him. He may be gone, but he left behind a nation full of people who are more thoughtful, and more informed. And that, above all, to me was his greatest achievement.

I miss you dad.


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