Friday, September 13, 2024

‘Marriage is sacred, not political tool’

‘Marriage is sacred, not political tool’

Published: Sep 12, 2024 11:51 PM

Several leaders in the federal government have condemned a proposal to use cross-cultural marriages as a means for PAS to garner support from non-Malay voters.

Umno secretary-general Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki emphasised the sanctity of marriage.

“Marriage in Islam is a sacred union before Allah and should not be used as a tool for political gain and lust for power,” he said on the X, formerly known as Twitter.

Meanwhile, DAP’s Bandar Kuching MP Kelvin Yii described the proposal as disgusting.

“(They have) no qualms to tarnish the institution of marriage for sake of ‘politics’ and demeaning woman to objects that can merely be traded and made subservient to their self-political ambitions.

“PAS leaders could have called this out but did not. An apology is needed!” he said on X.

Bandar Kuching MP and DAP Youth chief Kelvin Yii

Earlier today, Selangor PAS Youth secretary Aubidullah Fahim Ibrahim told delegates at the PAS Youth muktamar that the wing’s leaders should take wives from different races and cultures to get non-Malay voters for the party.

“Selangor (PAS Youth) members have a suggestion. Too bad the PAS Youth chief (Afnan Hamimi Taib Azamudden) is not here right now to listen to this idea.

“We want to suggest that leaders of this youth wing commit cross-ethnic or cross-cultural marriage.

“The reason is that when we marry someone from another ethnicity or culture, we would not win only one more vote, but insyaAllah, we will be able to get 10 or even hundreds of votes from the non-Malays or non-Muslims,” said Aubidullah.

When asked to comment on the proposal, Afnan downplayed it as Aubidullah’s own opinion that would not necessarily be adopted as the youth wing’s decision.

He also laughed off questions from the media if he and his committee members would take up Aubidullah’s marital “challenge”, saying he was being asked “trick questions” and noted that his wife was watching the muktamar’s proceedings online.

1 comment:

  1. When the Ottomans conquered large tracts of what was Christianized Balkans in Eastern Europe , part of the Islamization of the population was achieved by Intermarriage.
    That is how till today there are sizable populations of ethnically White (Caucasian) Muslim populations in Bosnia amd Albania.
